(BtL) Biblical Angelic Divisions
There are a few angelic titles mentioned in the Bible, but few of them are explicit in their meaning. This is most likely due to the authors and their audience being familiar with the concepts through common culture and not needing them spelled out as modern readers do. Differences in culture and the lack of knowledge lead to many misunderstandings of angelic titles.
(BtL) Are the Four Orders Accurate?
This is a legitimate considering I claim to have built Allies of Majesty around biblical imagery ...
(BtL) Popular Hierarchies of Angels
There are multiple lists that attempt to explain angels, their division of duties, and their hier...
(BtL) Angels
Angel can be a confusing term. The term angel is from the Greek word angelos, meaning messenger. ...
(BtL) Archangels
The term archangel is scarcely used, showing up in the New Testament twice (1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 9...
(BtL) Elohim
Elohim (eh-low-heem) is a term over which there is much misunderstanding, primarily due to its En...
(BtL) Seraph
AAA 17:1 And they took me (and) led (me) away to a certain place in which those who were th...
(BtL) Cherub
AAA In Scripture we see that a Cherub was stationed to guard the way to the Tree of Life. The Mo...
(BtL) Ophanim
(BtL) Watchers
Holy Watchers
(BtL) Princes
(BtL) Powers, Authorities, Rulers, Thrones, Dominions, etc.
(BtL) Gods