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133 total results found
Affecting the Material Realm
The most common questions from players revolve around how their elohim characters interact with humans and the material realm. While elohim are not part of the material creation, they are indeed still created beings. The spiritual is a part of everything mater...
(BtL) Cherub
AAA In Scripture we see that a Cherub was stationed to guard the way to the Tree of Life. The Most High ordered images of Cherubim to be sculpted to sit atop the Ark of the Covenant and images of Cherubim to be made in the curtains for his tabernacle.
(BtL) Classical Elements
Much modern media has trained people to think of natural elements as forces to be controlled, wielded, created, directed, manipulated, etc. Popular media has led to a misconception that shamanistic practices sought to harness the power of these elements or tha...
(BtL) Archangels
The term archangel is scarcely used, showing up in the New Testament twice (1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 9). Michael is the only elohim directly called an archangel in the Bible, however, Gabriel tells Zechariah in the Gospel of Luke that he stands in the presence of G...
(BtL) Watchers
Holy Watchers
(BtL) Ophanim
(BtL) Powers, Authorities, Rulers, Thrones, Dominions, etc.
(BtL) Seraph
Spiritual Population
The number of elohim around at any given time is something you can flex to your needs as a Host. Here are a few general guidelines to help you along, but they are by no means hard, fast rules. Until the great Day of the Lord, the kingdoms of the earth belongs...
Archons & Obstruction
Archons are unholy elohim who stand out and have the benefit of an effect similar to Inspiration called Obstruction. Unlike Inspiration, Obstruction can only be used defensively to protect the Archon. The option to add 40 to a Basic Attribute for 1 Cycle is al...
Treatment of Theology
Allies of Majesty is intended to be a playground where you can interact with and explore ancient Judeo-Christian ideas. Atheists, agnostics, and people of other faiths can engage with the content as they would a game built around Greek or Norse mythology, expl...
Gaining Inspiration
Only player characters are able to gain and use Inspiration. Player characters start each War with a number of Inspiration Tokens based upon their Tier. 3, 4, 5, or 7 Tokens for Tiers:1-4 respectively. Once the War has begun, player character elohim can gain...
Lighter Ways to Play
Some people may have been drawn to Allies of Majesty because they are intrigued by the setting, only to find that the game system is a little more detailed than they prefer when it comes to RPGs. Have no fear! The Allies of Majesty tools like the web calculato...
Skirmish-Style Play
Allies of Majesty has very satisfying tactical combat and sometimes people will want to Allies like a cooperative war game without planning an intricate plot. This kind of skirmish-style play is a perfectly acceptable option to scratch that tactical itch. The ...
Social Objectives
Social Objectives are a means of adding structure and clarity to roleplaying situations, especially situations involving humans. When players want to persuade a human character in a certain direction, the Host should privately determine how much Acquiescence t...
(BtL) The Watchers' Rebellion
NOT STARTEDSecond temple manuscripts, Genesis 6, Peter, and Jude refer to the elohim who
(BtL) Seeds & Trees
Seeds and trees are a very prevalent theme in the Bible. In Allies of Majesty we use the seed to present the concept of potential that has not been yet actualized. This can be seen in Scripture in Jesus parable of the sower when he speaks of the gospel as seed...
(BtL) Head Covering
"Why do you not have holy elohim cover their heads?" Advanced warning, this topic will get into some territory that may be more controversial. Let me start with a few verses from 1 Corinthians chapter 11. 7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he ...
(BtL) Armor of God
Invariably people will ask if Allies of Majesty includes special Items for the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18, or even a special Item set. The answer is, "No". Nothing official. There are multiple reasons behind this decision. The first, some of the articl...
(BtL) Fire