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150 total results found

Dice Rolls

Rules & Gameplay The Dice Roll

Most things in Allies of Majesty are decided by the rolling of dice. These dice represent various factors at play in the situation that is being rolled for. All rolls in Allies of Majesty are made by rolling 7D12 (seven twelve-sided dice) and then one charact...


Rules & Gameplay War

Condition relays the exhaustion level of the elohim. An elohim that becomes overtaxed, will reflect this through their Condition lowering from Normal to Weary or even Fatigued. Exertion & Stamina  As elohim engage in continuous activity, their spiritual body...

Sprouting Seeds

Character Creation & Advancement Character Advancement

Seeds are your elohim’s potential to grow in terms of his six Basic Attributes. The experiences during the Mission will have provided the opportunity for your character to have utilized some or all of these Attributes. The use of the Attribute will cause Seeds...

Post Mission Discussion

Character Creation & Advancement Character Advancement

After each Mission or on occasion during a Chronicle (a longer storyline made up of connected Missions) there will be discussion. During this time the players and the Host reflect on the Mission or Chronicle and discuss the actions of each elohim, the elohim a...


Modes of Play Epic Mode Wars

One of the most noticeable changes in Epic Mode is the increased use of Groups. While Groups can appear in play at other times, Epic Mode will always include them. Groups are multiple identical elohim that act as one. Groups must be at least 2 Tiers below the ...

Winning the War

Rules & Gameplay War

When all opposition is Defeated or otherwise removed, then the elohim have won and the War ends. At this point, if all the enemies have been Defeated, the elohim can leave, banish, or take captive their Defeated foes. Those enemies who have been Defeated in En...


Rules & Gameplay War

Elohim do not sleep, unless spiritually induced. They do benefit from restful peace, however. An elohim's Current Endurance recovers at a rate of 1/7th of their natural maximum each Day. If they are at rest for the entire Day (no War), Current Endura...


Rules & Gameplay War

As a War progresses, the player characters will feel the effects of Inspiration or the lack thereof. This effect is brought into the game through the use of Inspiration Tokens. Inspiration Tokens allow you to shift an instant in the game more into your elohim’...

Special Effects in War

Rules & Gameplay War

Faltering Knocked Back Poisoned Bound Grappled/Entangled Surprised Gagging Exposed Faltering  waste next 1 Action Point for every Falter:#, then reduce Falter:# by the #AP wasted Falter exceeding Falter:7 or when immobile is translated to...

Other War Actions

Rules & Gameplay War

Manifest or Shift a Weapon Defensive Stance Stand Ready Rest Eating and Drinking Using an Item Grapple Pushing Through Carrying Another Besides Making a Strike, there are other actions that can be performed during War.  Manifest or Shift a Weapon...


Rules & Gameplay Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits

Perception is the ability of an elohim to discern information about others and about their surroundings. The information gathered is mostly limited to the creativity of the player trying to Perceive it. The information does need to be something that can be rea...


Rules & Gameplay War

What is a Strike?  A Strike is an attack. When an elohim Strikes they will make a Strike Roll which encompasses both their attempt to attack the Defender and the Defender’s attempt to defend themself.  Striking consumes 3 Action Points during which an elohim...

Receiving Bonuses, Penalties, & Wear

Rules & Gameplay War

Before we dive deeply into War, we should describe how Attributes are raised and lowered during gameplay. Some Spiritual Effects, Songs, etc. can temporarily boost or lower an Attribute’s value. Additionally, suffering Strikes and other effects can semi-perman...


Rules & Gameplay Social Interactions

Parley is when two opposing parties (whether a group or an individual) formally discuss their differing goals. The party requesting the Parley is considered the Initiator. The party agreeing to the Initiator’s request to Parley is considered the Grantor. Elohi...


Rules & Gameplay Social Interactions

Social Interactions can be more impactful than might be anticipated. In addition to other effects, successful Social Interactions performed on an enemy add Acquiescence to the Target. Conversely, successful friendly Social Interactions can remove Acquiescence....

Social Interactions

Rules & Gameplay Social Interactions

Both during and outside of War elohim will interact with one another. Elohim can also interact with humans. When these interactions are intended to evoke a specific response within the Target, they are considered Social Interactions. The results of Social Inte...

Area Influence

Rules & Gameplay Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits

As holy and fallen elohim become involved in a situation, their presence can affect the general atmosphere in the material realm. This influence is called Area Influence and is figured by comparing the total Magnitude of holy elohim to the total Magnitude of f...

Concealing Your Glory

Rules & Gameplay Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits

Elohim can conceal their glory. While their glory is concealed, their glorious spiritual presence is no longer emanating from them. As part of concealing their glory, they will appear to other spirits as a human or an animal, generally no smaller than a large ...

Surprise Segments

Rules & Gameplay Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits

At any time an elohim or group of elohim are aware of an opposing elohim or group of elohim that is currently completely unaware of the first elohim/group’s presence, a Surprise Segment can be initiated. Once a Surprise Segment is initiated, the aware elohim/g...

Acquiring & Equipping Items

Character Creation & Advancement Character Advancement

What Are Items?  Weapon, armors, and other details related to appearance are mostly temporary manifestations created by the character that are symbolic in nature. They are not permanent, independent creations. They appear how the elohim chooses and most often...