Sprouting Seeds
Seeds are your elohim’s potential to grow in terms of their six Basic Attributes. The experiences during the Mission will have provided the opportunity for your character to have utilized some or all of these Attributes. The use of the Attribute will cause Seeds in that Attribute to produce growth. Once a Seed yields growth it is gone. If the elohim has no Seeds in an Attribute, no growth will occur in that Attribute until new Seeds are gained. Their potential for growth in that Attribute is exhausted for the time being.
Growth can be stimulated in obvious or less obvious ways. If your elohim was the Target of many Strikes and suffered significant damage to their Endurance, it would be obvious that Seeds would sprout in Endurance. What might be less obvious is in defending himself from the Strikes, they applied their Might and Control as these Attributes make up their Guard. Another less concrete stimulus for growth is found in the roleplaying of the character. If the elohim acts with compassion for a human’s plight or stands strong when it would be tempting to fall back, these might be reasons to see growth in Passion or Resolve respectively. It is also somewhat counterintuitive to realize that failure with an Attribute can lead to Seeds producing growth. This happens when the elohim fails but recognizes that failure and learns valuable lessons from it.
When Seeds yield growth, they increase the value of the Basic Attribute they were assigned to. The amount of growth varies based upon how naturally that elohim’s particular Order grows in that specific Attribute. The number of Seeds sprouted is multiplied by the value shown when matching the elohim’s Basic Attribute with the elohim’s Order in Table 7. Multipliers with a .5 could leave the elohim with a value including a .5. In most cases this functions only as a place holder to make a whole number when more Seeds are sprouted. The one exception to this is with Might when figuring Guard. Very rarely the doubled .5 will be just enough to get that last point needed to increase Guard.
(Ex. Herald's creator has run their first Mission and has sprouted 1 Seed in Might, 2 in Swiftness, and 2 in Control. Looking at Table 3, Harald's creator finds the column for Herald's Order, W/Me/MS/Mi. Might has a multiplier of 1.5, so 1 Seed in Might would give increase Herald's Might by 1.5. Swiftness has the same multiplier, but Herald has sprouted 2 Seeds in Swiftness. Each one gives Herald 1.5 more Swiftness, so Herald's total increase to Swiftness will be 3. Control has a multiplier of 2, so the 2 Seeds would give Herald an increase of 4 Control. Herald creator increases Herald's Might from 26 to 27.5. They increase Herald's Swiftness from 25 to 28. Then they increase Herald's Control from 36 to 40.)
Seed Multipliers
Warrior |
Messenger |
Min. Spirit |
Minstrel |
W-Me |
W-MS |
W-Mi |
Might |
x2.5 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x2 |
x2 |
x1.5 |
Control |
x1.5 |
x3 |
x2 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
Swiftness |
x1 |
x2.5 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x1 |
Endurance |
x3 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x1 |
x2 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
Resolve |
x2 |
x1 |
x3 |
x2.5 |
x1.5 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
Passion |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x2 |
x3 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
Me-MS |
Me-Mi |
MS-Mi |
Tri-W |
Tri-Me |
Tri-MS |
Tri-Mi |
Quad |
Might |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
Control |
x2.5 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
x2 |
x2 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
x2 |
Swiftness |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
Endurance |
x1.5 |
x1 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x2 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
Resolve |
x2 |
x1.5 |
x2.5 |
x1.5 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x2 |
x2 |
Passion |
x2 |
x2.5 |
x2.5 |
x2 |
x1.5 |
x2 |
x2.5 |
x2 |