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Surprise Segments

At any time an elohim or group of elohim are aware of an opposing elohim or group of elohim that is currently completely unaware of the first elohim/group’s presence, a Surprise Segment can be initiated. Once a Surprise Segment is initiated, the aware elohim/group gets to act for an entire Turn of 7 Action Points. The unaware elohim/group does not get to act at all. The opposing elohim/group is considered Surprised when resolving Strikes during a Surprise Segment. The first Strike made by each Surprising Striker during a Surprise Segment can potentially find the Defender Exposed, instead of simply Surprised. To avoid being Exposed, the Defender must Pass a Swiftness Check vs. the Swiftness of the Surprising Striker.

While the distance to be considered a separate group for Perception is 12" while traveling and scouting, this is reduced to 7" in close quarters or whatever the Host determines to be appropriate to the situation.

Generally, when a Surprise Segment is initiated, there will not be active War taking place. If there is active War, it is still possible for an elohim to Surprise other elohim. If the Host confirms that the Surprised elohim would require an Incidental Perception Interaction to notice the Surprising elohim (i.e. is not actively aware of the elohim's location), the Surprising elohim can choose for their current Turn to be treated as a Surprise Segment in regards to interactions with any Targets that were not aware of them.