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Social Interactions can be more impactful than might be anticipated. In addition to other effects, successful Social Interactions performed on an enemy add Acquiescence to the Target. Conversely, successful friendly Social Interactions can remove Acquiescence. With enough Acquiescence, a character can become Moved, Swayed, or Persuaded.

A successful Social Interaction adds or subtracts 0, 1, or 3 Acquiescence depending on whether the Interaction was a Success, a Superb Success, or an Epic Success respectively. Each uncanceled 12 increases the Acquiescence gained by 1 as long the Interaction has any uncanceled Passes.

While a character has at least 3 Acquiescence, they are Moved. While Moved, they become more vulnerable to further influence. A Moved character gains Acquiescence more quickly.


  • if Acquiescence is gained from an Interaction, increase the total gained by 1

Once a character has at least 7 Acquiescence, they are Swayed. While Swayed, friendly Social Interactions targeting the character will suffer the following effects beginning immediately.


  • Bane:1 to friendly Social Interactions targeting the character
  • Bane:1 to Social Interactions made by the character
  • Bane:2 to Self-Targeted Social Interactions made by the character

Once a character has at least 12 Acquiescence, they are Persuaded and will need significant positive influence or time away from further negative influence to recover. The precise details of how they will behave while Persuaded are determined by the Host's discretion.


  • Bane:2 to friendly Social Interactions targeting the character
  • the character cannot make Social Interactions
  • Remains Persuaded until Acquiescence is brought down to 3 or less, then is treated as Swayed until Acquiescence is brought down to 0.

No more than 14 Acquiescence can be accumulated.