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Tutorial #11: Advanced Movement & Defensive Stance

In this tutorial we will discuss advanced uses of Action Points.

When an elohim’s next Activation will have fewer than 7 Action Points, Action Points can be delayed and Carried Over from the current Activation to the next Activation. When Carrying Over Action Points, the upcoming Activation cannot exceed 7 Action Points. For example, if an elohim’s current Activation is for 7 Action Points and their next Activation is for 4 Action Points, they could Carry Over up to 3 Action Points.

Another way Action Points can be delayed is to Stand Ready. Standing Ready allows an elohim to wait until later to use the Readied Action Points in predetermined ways. These Action Points must be used before the elohim’s next Activation or the Action Points will be considered spent Resting. (Resting will be explained in the final Wave 3 rules.)

When Standing Ready, up to two alternate uses for any Action Points can be declared. For example, a Ministering Spirit could declare they are Standing Ready with 3 Action Points to either Move toward and use Laying On Hands to restore Endurance to an ally, or to make a Strike on an enemy. The Ministering Spirit can interrupt at any time to use the Readied Action Points in either of the ways declared. If neither option is used, the Ministering Spirit will treat the Readied Action Points as having Rested when their next Activation begins.

Next, let's talk about Defensive Stance. If an elohim wants to be more cautious, they can choose to enter Defensive Stance. Entering Defensive Stance must be done at the beginning of an elohim’s Activation before any Action Points are used. Once in Defensive Stance, the elohim must remain in Defensive Stance until the beginning their next Activation. This will give the elohim 3 additional Guard. Defensive Stance can instead be entered at the first Activation of the Cycle until the beginning of their first Activation of the next Cycle. This is called Full Defensive Stance and give 5 additional Guard instead.

While in Defensive Stance the elohim is more cautious and making a Strike uses 1 additional Action Point. So, a standard Strike that would normally use 3 Action Points will use 4 Action Points while in Defensive Stance. Any distance Moved by an elohim in Defensive Stance is halved. If an elohim in Defensive Stance would Move an entire Activation of 7 Action Points, they would Move only 3.5” rather than 7”. An elohim Moving while performing a Strike could only Move 1” instead of Moving 2”. Warriors have a special ability called Martial Mobility that prevents Defensive Stance from affecting the first 2" they Move each Activation.

Lastly, while in Defensive Stance, the elohim is more aware, gaining 3 additional Adjustments to Perceptions Checks. The elohim is also able to be quieter and more controlled, gaining 3 additional Adjustments in their favor to Perception Checks made against them. Perception will be covered in Tutorial #15.   

This concludes Tutorial #11: Advanced Movement & Defensive Stance. In the next Tutorial we will cover Maneuvers & Passion Effects.