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Tutorial #14: Advanced Songs

In Tutorial #10 we discussed the basics of Songs. In this Tutorial we will cover some of the advanced concepts related to the usage of Songs.

While Minstrels can only choose and change Songs just before their first Activation each Cycle, it is possible for a Minstrel to layer Songs, singing up to three Songs simultaneously during each Cycle. In order to layer multiple Songs, the Minstrel needs to consider Complexity and Passion investment.

The Complexity of a Song measures how difficult the Song is to sing effectively. A Minstrel cannot sing a Song or combinations of Songs with Complexity exceeding the Minstrel’s Control.

For example, a Minstrel with a Control of 67 is considering singing some combination of Songs including Battle Cry, Thunderous Bolt, and Ram Call in their upcoming Cycle. Battle Cry has a Complexity of 21 and Thunderous Bolt and Ram Call each have a Complexity of 40. The Minstrel could sing either Thunderous Bolt or Ram Call and layer Battle Cry, for a total Complexity of 61, less than the Minstrel’s Control of 67. However, the Minstrel could not layer Thunderous Bolt with Ram Call because the total Complexity would be 80 and that exceeds the Minstrel’s Control of 67. It should also then be obvious that the Minstrel could not layer all three Songs.

When singing a single Song, it makes little sense to invest anything less Passion, measured in SPP, than the maximum possible. However, when layering multiple Songs in a Cycle, the Minstrel may have to decide how to divide their SPP among the Songs they are singing. Minimum and maximum SPP investment levels, with only a couple exceptions in the Strike Family, depend on the Song’s Tier. The minimum investment for a 1st Heaven, or Tier:1, Song is 1 SPP and the maximum is 4 SPP. Both minimum and maximum Passion investments increase for Songs of higher Tiers.

Using the earlier example, let’s say the Minstrel decides to go with layering Thunderous Bolt and Battle Cry. The Minstrel has 6 SPP to divide among these two Songs. In order to make maximum use of the SPP they have available, they could invest the maximum of 4 SPP in one Song and invest their remaining 2 SPP into the second Song. Alternatively, they could divide the SPP evenly investing 3 SPP in each Song. If the Minstrel had selected a combination of three Songs they were able to sing together, there would be more possible options. The maximum 4 SPP in one Song and minimum 1 SPP in the other two Songs. 2 SPP in each of the three Songs. 3 SPP in one Song, 2 SPP in another Song, and 1 SPP in the final Song.  

If two Minstrels are playing together and know the same Song, they have the option to Harmonize that Song together. The exceptions are that Manifesting Immediate Songs and Self Songs cannot be Harmonized.

One Minstrel will be determined to be the primary Minstrel for each Song Harmonized. If one contributing Minstrel is investing more SPP than the other contributors, that Minstrel must be the primary Minstrel. The SPP maximum is increased to 6 SPP when a 1st Heaven Song is Harmonized. Also, the maximum levels of effect for a Harmonized Boosting Song are increased by 2 to a maximum of 5 Levels of Effect.      

When Harmonizing, all Minstrels must be within 7” of the primary Minstrel or within 3” of a Harmonizing Minstrel who is not the primary Minstrel. The Range of the Harmonized Song is increased to 12” from any of the Harmonizing Minstrels.

This concludes Tutorial #14: Advanced Songs. In the next Tutorial we will cover Perception.