Holds are places of strong holy or unholy influence. A holy Hold is a place where the Spirit has taken root and has influence. An unholy Hold is a place where sin has taken root and its influence will not be easily removed. Holds are linked to a Dominion of some kind. It is even possible that a Hold might be mobile and accompany an individual or group and the work the Most High has set for them to accomplish. Holds are also safe places that holy elohim can descend to and ascend from the earth safely, without worry of being attacked by patrolling or roaming fallen elohim.
The primary defining feature of a Hold is the connection of elohim with some person(s) or spiritually impactful movement. Each Hold will have a primary elohim of at least Tier:2 as well as at least two lower elohim. The lower elohim may or may not remain consistently the same elohim. Also the strength and number of lower elohim will increase depending on the Rank/Power of the Hold. The elohim are responsible to oversee the spiritual environment related to the Hold and to keep it conducive to growth and strengthening.
Holds are one of the most central features in Allies of Majesty. Most missions will start and end in a Hold. Elohim will often receive encouragement, support, and even gifts before setting out. They will also often receive healing when returning. The will also drop off unneeded spoils or prisoners for safe keeping and be honored for doing so. Getting to oversee and operate his or her own Hold will be an exciting opportunity for many Players.
As a player, overseeing a Hold takes world involvement, investment, and immersion to a whole new level. That player’s team of characters will be connected to a specific time, location, and person(s) rather than always changing from Mission to Mission. That player will get to know the unholy elohim ruling the areas around him in more detail and there will be a whole new aspect of politics to manage.
Holds take time to build. They are heavily story related. In order for a Hold to be established, a Host should run a string of Missions related to it’s founding. This helps to tie your character to the Hold and gives him a level of investment in it. While Holds take time and effort to achieve and maintain, once they are established they do have rewards.
There are four strengths of Holds. They are Holds, Footholds, Strongholds, and Kingdoms respectively from weakest to strongest.