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150 total results found

Detection Family (Corruption of the Detection Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Detection Defiled Detection Unholy Detection Piercing Eyes 2 Discernment Defiled Discernment Unholy Discernment 3 Asylum Defil...

Dread Family (Corruption of the Fear Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Dread Cursed Dread Corrupt Dread Subjugation 2 Terror Cursed Terror Corrupt Terror 3 Trepidation Cursed Trepidation Corrupt T...

Smite Family (Corruption of the Strike Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Smiting Scepter Cursed Smiting Scepter Corrupt Smiting Scepter Slaver's Rod 2 Deadly Stones Cursed Deadly Stones Corrupt Deadly Stones ...

Speed Family (Corruption of the Speed Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Haste Cursed Haste Corrupt Haste Prevailing Current 2 Sloth Cursed Sloth Corrupt Sloth 3 Tempest Cursed Tempest Cor...

Slumber Family (Corruption of the Sleep Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Lethargy Cursed Lethargy Corrupt Lethargy Deathly Somnolence 2 Slumber Cursed Slumber Corrupt Slumber Lethargy Lethargy cau...

Goat Family (Corruption of the Sheep Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Goat for Azazel Cursed Goat for Azazel Corrupt Goat for Azazel Vessel of Wrath 2 Goat Call Cursed Goat Call Corrupt Goat Call ...

Bolt Family (Corruption of the Flash Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Blinding Blade CursedBlinding Blade Corrupt Blinding Blade Bolting Arrows 2 Blinding Bolts CursedBlinding Bolts Corrupt Blinding Bolts ...

Jeer Family (Corruption of the Psalm Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Mocking Cursed Mocking Corrupt Mocking Chorus of Rebellion 2 Railing Cursed Railing Corrupt Railing 3 Contempt Cursed Contempt...

Fire Family (Corruption of the Flame Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Burning Blade CursedBurning Blade Corrupt Burning Blade Explosive Immolation 2 Fiery Darts CursedFiery Darts Corrupt Fiery Darts 3 ...

Howl Family (Corruption of the Cry Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Ravenous Howl Cursed Ravenous Howl CorruptRavenous Howl Vengeful Eruption 2 Outburst Cursed Outburst CorruptOutburst 3 Wail Cu...

Rouse Family (Corruption of the Heal Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Invigorate Defiled Invigorate Unholy Invigorate Dread Dragon Image 2 Spurring Push Defiled Spurring Push Unholy Spurring Push ...

Introduction to Evil Songs

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

This chapter presents all the of the wicked corruptions of Songs by their Families. Having separated themselves from the Most High, unholy Minstrels must resort to harnessing evil mindsets for their inspiration. Remember that their ability to use their Passion...

Restriction Family (Corruption of the Restraint Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Loose Evil Defiled Loose Evil Unholy Loose Evil Unshakable Bonds 2 Bondage DefiledBondage Unholy Bondage 3 Barrier Defiled ...

Presence Family (Corruption of the Presence Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Oppression DefiledOppression Unholy Oppression Vile Countenance 2 Dark Void DefiledDark Void Unholy Dark Void 3 Presence Defi...

Obstinacy Family (Corruption of the Perseverance Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Harden Defiled Harden Unholy Harden Impudence 2 Entrench Defiled Entrench Unholy Entrench 3 Stubbornness Defiled Stubbornness ...

Passion Family (Corruption of the Passion Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Escalate Passion Defiled Escalate Passion Unholy Escalate Passion Billowing Inferno 2 Incite Defiled Incite Unholy Incite ...

Condemnation Family (Corruption of the Judgment Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Sledge of Condemnation Defiled Sledge of Condemnation Unholy Sledge of Condemnation Crushing Weight 2 Stoning Stone Defiled Stoning Stone ...

Interference Family (Corruption of the Intercession Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Interference Defiled Interference Unholy Interference Subversive Spite 2 Sacrifice Defiled Sacrifice Unholy Sacrifice 3 ...

Article Family (Corruption of the Instrument Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Strange Fire Defiled Strange Fire Unholy Strange Fire Bowl of Fury 2 Relentless Blade Defiled Relentless Blade Unholy Relentless Blade ...

Fury Family (Corruption of the Zeal Family)

Catalogue of Evil Evil Songs

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Overwhelm Cursed Overwhelm Corrupt Overwhelm Transcendent Passion 2 Incessance Cursed Incessance Corrupt Incessance 3 ...