Restriction Family (Corruption of the Restraint Family)
Progression |
Tier:1 |
Tier:2 |
Tier:3 |
Tier:4 |
1 |
Defiled Loose Evil |
Unholy Loose Evil |
2 |
Defiled Bondage |
Unholy Bondage |
3 |
Defiled Barrier |
Unholy Barrier |
Loose Evil
Loose Evil removes, cancels, or prevents anything of Tier:1 that would cause the Target to be Bound, suffer a reduction in Speed, or Falter. This persists for 2 Cycles and takes effect immediately.
Loose Evil specifically counters Impedance, Winds of Heaven, Bind, any Grapple abilities, and Falter. If Falter is caused by a Strike or Defensive Hits, the Tier of the elohim causing the Falter is considered. If Falter or additional Falter is added by a Spiritual Effect or Song, the Tier of the Spiritual Effect or Song is considered for that Falter, without regard to the Tier of the elohim using the Spiritual Effect or Song. Loose Evil does not counter the self-inflicted Falter caused by Eating and Drinking. Loose Evil does not affect Knockback or any distance hinderances related to Defensive Stance or acting as though in Defensive Stance.
Defiled Loose Evil removes, cancels, or prevents from up to Tier:2 sources. Unholy Loose Evil removes, cancels, or prevents from up to Tier:3 sources.
Class |
Allotment |
Effect |
Loose Evil |
Affecting Immediate Boosting |
Fixed 12 |
cancels Bound, Falter, or reduced Speed of Tier:1 |
Defiled Loose Evil |
24 |
cancels Bound, Falter, or reduced Speed of up to Tier:2 |
Unholy Loose Evil |
40 |
cancels Bound, Falter, or reduced Speed of up to Tier:3 |
Bondage allows the Ministering Spirit to leave the Target Bound or Entangled with strong chains. When used on Tier:0 characters, Bind can affect two Targets. When used to affect multiple Targets, the Allotment and subsequent strength of the chains is divided evenly among the affected Targets. Bondage is Resistible using Might.
Resisting is attempted when the Spiritual Effect is first used. If fully Resisted, the chains are broken. If there are no uncancelled Fails, the Target is Entangled. If there are uncancelled Fails, the Target is Bound. The Target or any other character in Melee Range can attempt to break the chains by making a Might Check vs. the Allotment, spending 3 Action Points, and adding 3 Exertion for each attempt. If the chains are broken in this way, the Target is no longer Bound or Entangled, but immediately receives Falter:3 as they recover.
If a Target is currently Bound or Entangled, another Ministering Spirit may also add their own Bondage Spiritual Effect. In this case, the Allotments of both Bondages are added together to determine the total that must be Checked against to break the chains. This total cannot exceed the maximum Allotment of the highest version affecting the elohim. If the Target was Entangled, they will make another Resist Check with the only possible results of remaining Entangled or becoming Bound instead. If the Target was Bound, no additional Check is made. If one of the stacked Bondages is ended, the remaining Bondage(s) will continue at the highest version still in use and the Target can make an immediate Resist Check.
Defiled Bondage allows higher Allotments and also can affect two Targets if used on Tier:1 or lower and four Targets if used on Tier:0. Unholy Bondage allows even higher Allotments and also can affect two Targets if used on Tier:2 or lower, four Targets if used on Tier:1 or lower, and 8 Targets if used on Tier:0.
Class |
Allotment |
Effect |
Bondage |
Manifesting Ongoing Resistible |
Variable 40-80 |
Target is Entangled with Chains more Targets can be affected if lower than Tier:1 Resisted using Might |
Defiled Bondage |
80-160 |
Target is Entangled with Chains more Targets can be affected if lower than Tier:2 Resisted using Might |
Unholy Bondage |
120-240 |
Target is Entangled with Chains more Targets can be affected if lower than Tier:3 Resisted using Might |
Barrier allows the Ministering Spirit to manifest a spherical, translucent Dominion that can be used in one of two ways, either as a Shield or a Prison. The radius of the Dominion is determined by the Ministering Spirit when the Spiritual Effect is initiated and can be centered on any location within 7” of the Ministering Spirit at that time. After it is manifested, the Dominion radius cannot be changed. The Dominion from Barrier is unable to stop or restrict anything Tier:3 or higher. Due to the exertion needed to manifest and maintain Barrier, a Ministering Spirit dropping Barrier must wait 2 full Cycles before they can use the same or higher version of Barrier.
The Shield usage prevents all passage into the Dominion. Elohim can freely exit the Dominion at any time. The Shield cannot be moved and can be maintained out to 12” from its center.
The Prison usage prevents passage in or out of the Dominion. This use can only be initiated encompassing one or more Targets that are currently Fatigued, Weakened, or Defeated. It can be maintained out to 40” and if the Ministering Spirit is within 7" they can Move it up to 3” during each of their Turns.
Breaking Barriers
Both uses of Barrier are Resistible using Resolve and are Resisted a bit differently than other Spiritual Effects. Characters may attempt to tear down the Dominion while in Melee Range using 3 Action Points and adding 3 Exertion with each attempt. The Dominion has a Breaking Point of 7. As characters make Resist Checks trying to tear down the Dominion, Stress Points are accumulated. The Dominion shatters if Stress Points equal or exceed the Dominion’s Breaking Point, immediately ending the Spiritual Effect.
- 1 Stress Point is added for each uncancelled “Pass” in Resist Checks
- higher Tier elohim cause double Stress Points, or triple if 2 or more Tiers higher
- lower Tier elohim cause half Stress Points, or a quarter if 2 or more Tiers lower
- each uncanceled Fail in Resist Checks causes the Checking elohim to Falter:1
- Stress Points can be removed. The Ministering Spirit must spend 1 Action Point and add 1 Exertion for each Stress Point removed.
Multiple Ministering Spirits can cooperate on the same Barrier. The Tier is the highest Tier version in use. The Barrier can exceed the maximum Allotment of the highest version by 50% for each cooperating Ministering Spirit up to a maximum of 200%. When Cooperating for Shield usage, the Dominion can either be made larger or stronger through the cooperation, but not both. If making a larger Dominion the Allotment invested by each Ministering Spirit is averaged across the Barrier (totaled and divided by the number of participating Ministering Spirits). If a participating Ministering Spirit drops Barrier, the Barrier is resized accordingly.
Defiled Barrier increases the maximum strength of the Dominion and can affect up to Tier:3. Unholy Barrier further increases the maximum strength of the Dominion and can affect all Tiers.
Class |
Allotment |
Effect |
Barrier |
Manifesting Ongoing Self |
Variable 40-80 |
manifests a Dominion as either a Shield or Prison affects up to Tier:2 elohim Resisted using Resolve via Stress Points |
Defiled Barrier |
80-160 |
manifests a Dominion as either a Shield or Prison affects up to Tier:3 elohim Resisted using Resolve via Stress Points |
Unholy Barrier |
120-240 |
manifests a Dominion as either a Shield or Prison affects all elohim Resisted using Resolve via Stress Points |
Unbreakable Chains
Unshakable Bonds manifests chains that Bind or Entangle the Target and additionally prevent the Target from Singing. If only Entangled, The Target or any other character in Melee Range can attempt to loose the chains by making a Control Check vs. the Resolve Allotment, spending 3 Action Points, and adding 3 Exertion for each attempt. If the chains are loosed in this way, the Target is no longer Entangled, but immediately receives Falter:3 as they recover. If Bound, however, no further attempts can be made to loose the chains and the Target’s Status is lowered one classification to Weakened or Defeated. If used on Tier:3 and lower, Unbreakable Chains can affect 2 Targets. If used on Tier:2 and lower, it can affect 4 Targets. If used on Tier:1 and lower it can affect 8 Targets. If used on Tier:0, it can affect 16 Targets. This Spiritual Effect is Resistible using Control.
Resisting is only attempted when the Spiritual Effect is first used. If fully Resisted, the chains are escaped. If there are uncancelled Passes, the Target is Entangled. If there are no uncancelled Passes, the Target is Bound. If the Resolve supporting the chains is lowered, another attempt is immediately allowed. If Resisted, this Spiritual Effect may not be attempted again on the same Target for the duration of the War unless the Target’s Status has lowered since they Resisted (Status raising and then lowering again counts).
Class |
Allotment |
Effect |
Unshakable Bonds |
Manifesting Ongoing Resistible |
Variable 144-400 |
Target is Entangled with Chains more Targets can be affected if lower than Tier:4 Resisted using Control |