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129 total results found


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Overwhelming Oppressive Tyranny, Hopeless CircumstancesBehemoth are intimidating creatures of immense proportions. Their primary desire is to bring others, humans and elohim alike, to accept defeat without having even tried to resist. Behemoth will...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Entrapment, stealthily pursuing the unwary and waiting for the most vulnerable time to strike Spiders pursue the demise of others. They will stalk others, waiting for them to be the most vulnerable before launching into aggression. Spiders encourag...

Tutorial #16 Social Checks

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

Like all sentient beings, elohim have the potential to influence the emotional state of others or have their own emotional state influenced. This is handled in Allies of Majesty using Social Checks that reference Social Attribute values. Once the system for S...

Tutorial #15: Perception

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

Perception measures an elohim’s ability to notice details about the world and other beings around them. It also measures their ability to hinder others from perceiving them. Perception is not an Attribute written down and is only increased above a flat Percept...

Tutorial #14: Advanced Songs

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

In Tutorial #10 we discussed the basics of Songs. In this Tutorial we will cover some of the advanced concepts related to the usage of Songs. While Minstrels can only choose and change Songs just before their first Activation each Cycle, it is possible for a ...

Tutorial #13: Advanced Spiritual Effects

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

In Tutorial #9 we discussed the basics of Spiritual Effects. In this Tutorial we will cover some of the advanced concepts related to the usage of Spiritual Effects. Each Spiritual Effect has a Resolve Cost. This Resolve Cost does not affect or diminish a char...

Tutorial #12: Maneuvers & Passion Effects

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

Warriors and Messengers are especially skilled at martial conflict and can learn and master special Maneuvers. Most Maneuvers are Strikes, but some improve defense. There are three different Fighting Styles that can be employed by an elohim that reflect a spe...

Tutorial #11: Advanced Movement & Defensive Stance

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

In this tutorial we will discuss advanced uses of Action Points. When an elohim’s next Activation will have fewer than 7 Action Points, Action Points can be delayed and Carried Over from the current Activation to the next Activation. When Carrying Over Action...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Victimizing Others, helping self by hurting/taking from others Spiritual Wolves embody the biblical concept of wicked by embracing selfish victimization. They look out for their own interest and advance their goals at the expense of others. Even wh...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Blasphemies, Resentment, Hateful Speech Venom flows like water from the Serpent's mouth. They stir up hateful feelings in humans and give them the most hurtful words with which to express them. Serpents strike swiftly, often surprising their foe wh...

Bird of Prey

Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Arrogance stemming from knowledge; Aggressiveness Birds of Prey fly high, observing with their extra keen perception. They see most everything and are arrogant in their knowledge. That does not make them automatically correct or wise, but they are ...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Deception, Debauchery & Indulgence, FollyGoats are completely abandoned to their appetites, partaking of anything they desire and encouraging others to do the same. While they have a strong will, it is set on chasing their wants, reinforcing their ...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Pain and Suffering Scorpions revel in causing pain and suffering. This can be physical pain, sickness, or crippling; or it can be mental anguish. All suffering tastes just as sweet to the Scorpion. Their sting can inflict Poison, which can lead to ...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Bringing to Ruin, Devouring of Necessities, turning blessing to curse, opposite of provision Locusts in Allies of Majesty relish in bringing about ruin and loss. They are swift and fairly strong, biting with their mandibles or spewing toxic spit at...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Predatory and Malicious Destruction; Obscuring of Perception; Fearsome Presence; some association with Stealth and Dominating StrengthZiz are lions with eagle's wings. Ziz patrol the skies or prowl around, sometimes roaring to proclaim their grea...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Swiftness, Stealth, Untimely Death Biblically, the term leopard overlaps with cheetah, and as such the imagery is a blend of the two. Leopards are very swift and stealthy as they stalk those they would prey upon. In Allies of Majesty Leopards seek ...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Dry Desolation, keeping something in a desolate condition Biblically Jackals were associated with ruins, desolation, and howling at night. In Allies of Majesty Jackals seek to promote ongoing ruin. They are less focused on creating ruin, but more o...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: False Doctrines; Misleading Signs & Wonders Biblically frogs and toads are treated as the same kind of creature and are among the list of unclean creatures. As nocturnal creatures, Frogs are associated with darkness and evil. The specific image...


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: Chaos and Rebellion, holding self above all else, any regard for another is self-servingLeviathan, also known as Dragons, are evil of the highest order and are feared by all other unholy elohim. They are callous and self-focused. They give no car...

Tutorial #17: Boon & Bane

Tutorials Wave 2 (2nd Layer Complexity)

Boon is a special effect that represents an advantage gained for anything from a special blessing to good roleplaying. Bane is a similar special effect that instead represents a disadvantage. They can be applied by certain effects or by the Host at their own d...