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image-1667195458140.jpgRepresents: Overwhelming Oppressive Tyranny, Hopeless Circumstances

Behemoth are intimidating creatures of immense proportions. Their primary desire is to bring others, humans and elohim alike, to accept defeat without having even tried to resist. Behemoth will affect entire families, groups, or even towns with spirit crushing influence. Behemoth have been a primary influence behind the most oppressive regimes and empires throughout human history. If you ever feel an insurmountable weight of hopelessness and despair, there may be a Behemoth at work, crushing your spirit.

Behemoth swing their giant tail through multiple enemies, knocking them back with the force of the blow. They use Spiritual Effects from the Presence Family that tire nearby enemies and makes them feel a heavy weight of unholiness that hinders them. Stronger Behemoth also use the Spiritual Effect Dark Void, shining forth a vacuum of darkness that absorbs light. It obscures them and only adds to their effect of oppression.


Behemoth are only seen at strengths of 3rd Domain or Behemoth Beasts.

Special Abilities

When using a known Maneuver, Martial Mastery grants the Behemoth a bonus to Precision (or Guard, whichever is applicable) equal to half the Mastery Level of the Maneuver. 

Martial Mobility allows the Behemoth to remain somewhat mobile while in Defensive Stance. Each Turn they are in Defensive Stance, they can perform one Maneuver without halving the distance travelled. Alternatively, they can add 1" (unhalved) to a single Move during that Turn. (Martial Mobility cannot allow the character to exceed the distance they would have travelled without Defensive Stance.)

Strength in Struggle reflects the Behemoth’s toughness by reducing damage related to Strikes received by 10%. Damage related to Strikes dealt by Behemoth is increased by 10%. Behemoth also gain +1 to all Resist Checks.

Strength in Struggle






+10% damage dealt with Strikes

-10% damage received from Strikes


+1 to

Resist Checks 


Behemoth can use their strength of will to protect themselves. Resolute Stability allows Behemoth to ignore Falter:1 each time Falter is applied to them. It also allows them to ignore one Defensive Hit being caused to them. It reduces damage related to Strikes received by 10%.

All Falter from a Strike is totaled and applied at once. If a Strike causes Knock Back, any Falter from the Knock Back is applied separately.

Resolute Stability






-10% damage received from Strikes

ignore 1 Falter each time received

ignore 1 Defensive Hits each Strike






Behemoth thrash with their massive horns and bludgeoning tail. 



Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 



12 = Falter:1

+10% damage



12 = Falter:2 (1/Strike) 

+2 Exertion to Target


Behemoth can use their horns or tail to Rebuff their enemies or to Swing Through multiple enemies. They can even combine these two Maneuvers together, but this reduces their Mastery Level by one. When combining, the Precision from Martial Mastery is only applied once. At 3rd Domain the Behemoth has these Maneuvers at a Mastery Level of 4. This increases to Mastery 5 upon becoming a Behemoth Beast.

Rebuff  (3 AP)

Mastery Level 4 at Tier:3. Mastery Level 5 upon becoming a Behemoth Beast.

Swing Through  (3 AP)

Mastery Level 4 at Tier:3. Mastery Level 5 upon becoming a Behemoth Beast.

Spiritual Effects

Behemoth are always using the Spiritual Effects Corrupt Oppression and Corrupt Presence. If the Behemoth is a variant that has a Dark Void version, they will use any remaining Resolve to invest into Dark Void. If Resolve damage or becoming Weakened causes them to have to drop or lower Spiritual Effects, they will reduce the version of Dark Void first and then completely drop Dark Void before reducing/dropping Presence and then finally Oppression.

Towering Behemoth can use Dark Void. Enormous Behemoth can use up to Defiled Dark Void. Colossal Behemoth can use up to Corrupt Dark Void.

Presence Family

Oppression, Dark Void, & Presence versions.


Behemoth are treated as Warrior-Ministering Spirits and also have enhanced Endurance and Resolve, receiving an additional 40 of each at 3rd Domain. This is increased to 80 once becoming a Behemoth Beast.

Behemoth also gain Boon:1 to Subdue Enemy Social Interactions.

Size and Variants

Behemoth do not gain Mutations. However, some Behemoth may be of a larger variant. The variants are Towering Behemoth, Enormous Behemoth, or Colossal Behemoth. A 3rd Domain Behemoth cannot be Colossal.

Towering Behemoth gain an additional 14 in every Basic Attribute and can use Dark Void.

Enormous Behemoth gain an additional 28 in every Basic Attribute and can use Dark Void and Defiled Dark Void.

Colossal Behemoth gain an additional 42 in every Basic Attribute and can use all Dark Void versions.

Behemoth exceed the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim.

As a 3rd Domain, their standard occupied width of 1.75" from center of the Behemoth and height of 3.5". Towering is 2"/4" and Enormous is 2.25"/4.5".

A Behemoth Beast's occupied width is 2.25" from center and height 4.5". Towering becomes 2.5"/5", Enormous becomes 2.75"/5.5", and Colossal becomes 3"/6" The height is of course skewed when not standing upright.

3rd Domain Behemoth followed by 3rd Domain Towering & Enormous Behemoth


 Behemoth Beast followed by Towering, Enormous, & Colossal Behemoth Beasts
