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locust_man.jpgRepresents: Bringing to Ruin, Devouring of Necessities, turning blessing to curse, opposite of provision
Locusts in Allies of Majesty relish in bringing about ruin and loss. They are swift and fairly strong, biting with their mandibles or spewing toxic spit at a distance. Locusts’ attacks can add Poison which can lead to Weariness and Fatigue. Locusts beat their membranous wings creating the musical effects of the Minstrel Songs: Haste, Tempest, Projectile Vomiting, and Putrid Stench. Locusts singing Songs with their wings can continue to sing while vomiting or Gagging. When multiple Locusts are within Melee Range of one another, they gain +1 SPP into Putrid Stench for each other Locust within Range.

Weapon Effects

Locusts bite their enemies or spit corrosives at them from mid-range. The spit can only be used once in each Activation the Locust has. It causes no Wear, and instead adds Poison equal to 30% of the resulting Force total from the Strike.

When their enemies approach or they think the timing is right, Locusts will begin to bite them with corrosive jaws.

Weapon Effect 

Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 

Toxic Bite

12 = Poison:2 (1/Strike) 


Toxic Spit

Mid-Ranged (1/Activation), no Wear, Poison = 30% Force; 12 = Poison:2




Locusts have the ability to sing Haste, Tempest, and Projectile Vomiting versions. Once becoming a Locust Beast, they can also sing Prevailing Current. They do this using their wings which means they can continue to Sing even if Gagging, but not if Held.

Haste and Tempest from the Speed Family

Song Name 









Adds 1 + (SPP/2) Speed 





Doubles or Halves (SPP) Distances

Cursed Haste 




Adds 1 + (SPP/2) Speed 

Cursed Tempest 




Doubles or Halves (SPP) Distances

Unholy Haste 




Adds (SPP/2) Speed 

Unholy Tempest 




Doubles or Halves (SPP) Distances

Prevailing Current




Furthers or precludes Songs & Ranged Attacks

 inspires evil to act with increased Speed (any halves are rounded down). 

Tempest manifests a strong wind that doubles some of the distance moved by allies and also halves the distance moved by up to Tier:1 good. The amount of distance halved or doubled each Segment is equal to the SPP invested. Multiple instances can compound to increase the amount of distance halved or doubled, but it will still only be halved or doubled. Repositioning while performing a Maneuver is also affected.

Unlike most Songs, the Range of this Song is constant. The Song’s effect begins and ends with the last Action Point that puts a character into or out of Range. Any Strikes and their associated Moving are based upon the Range when the Strike was initiated. This Song is not Resistible. 

Cursed Haste inspires evil to act with further increased Speed. 

Cursed Tempest manifests a stronger wind that can also affect up to Tier:2 good. 

Unholy Haste inspires evil to act with even further increased Speed. 

Unholy Tempest manifests an even stronger wind that can also affect all good. 

Prevailing Current manifests a powerful wind that speeds or slows the progress of Songs (including this one) and Ranged Strikes. Evil’s Songs and Ranged Strikes are furthered by 0.5” for every 2 SPP invested by the singing Locust. The Ranges of Good Songs and Ranged Strikes passing through the Song’s Range are precluded by 3”(1”) immediately upon touching the Range of this Song. This Song is Resistible using Passion. It is Resisted with each individual Strike and once each Cycle for Songs per singing Minstrel. 

Projectile Vomiting from the Revulsion Family

Song Name 





Projectile Vomiting 




Evil vomits on good, inflicting Poison

Cursed Projectile Vomiting




Evil vomits on good, inflicting Poison

Un. Projectile Vomiting 




Evil vomits on good, inflicting Poison

Projectile Vomiting inspires evil including the Locust to become disgusted at their own sin. This causes them to Falter:3 and take 3 Exertion while they vomit. They can target this vomit at an elohim within 12”. Good hit with any amount of vomit must Resist or Falter:3 and immediately receive Poison equal to half the vomiting evil’s Power (minimum of Poison:1) unless Resisting. This effect is repeated for each instance of vomit to hit the elohim. The singing Locust can choose whether or not to be affected by this Song.

If an elohim other than a Locust is vomiting they cannot continue singing. Any Songs affecting characters will continue to do so for the rest of their Duration, but when the Minstrel would choose Songs for their next Cycle, they will not be able to continue any Ongoing Songs they had Sung the previous Cycle. If the Minstrel vomits during their first Activation of their next Cycle, they cannot Sing at all during that Cycle. This Song is Resistible using Resolve. Any evil affected may also try to Resist this Song if they so choose.  

Cursed Projectile Vomiting has a greater chance to affect good with the sin of evil. 

Unholy Projectile Vomiting has an even greater chance to affect good with the sin of evil. 


Locusts are treated as Minstrels but have improved Might and Swiftness, receiving an additional 7 at 1st Domain, this increases to 21 at 2nd Domain, 40 at 3rd Domain, and 80 once becoming a Locust Beast.

Size and Mutations

Locusts fit the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim. However, the height is of course skewed when not standing upright. Also, like all bestial elohim, Locusts will gain varying Mutations when increasing in Tier.

The example below shows a sampling of Locusts increasing from 1st Domain to Locust Beast. In this instance, the Mutations gained in order are: Pouncing Paws, Rending Jaws, and Crushing Claw.
