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leopard_2.jpgRepresents: Swiftness, Stealth, Untimely Death
Biblically, the term leopard overlaps with cheetah, and as such the imagery is a blend of the two. Leopards are very swift and stealthy as they stalk those they would prey upon. In Allies of Majesty Leopards seek the untimely demise of others, whether they seals the fate of an unrepentant sinner or silences a troublesome saint. Leopards are exceptionally stealthy and can even surprise perceptive Messengers. They deftly leap great distances to attack with teeth and claws, then launching away with their next strike, disappearing back out of view, using their stealth and mobility as a form of defense.

Special Abilities

Situational Awareness gives Leopards a Perception of 7 allowing them 7 Adjustments in their Favor when Perceiving, but have 14 Adjustments vs. being Perceived.

At 2nd Domain the Perception Adjustments are increased to 10 to Perceive and 17 vs. being Perceived. Then 13 to Perceive and 20 vs. being Perceived at 3rd Domain. Finally, upon becoming a Leopard Beast the Perception Adjustments increase to 16 to Perceive and 23 vs. being Perceived. 

Trained Eye lets Leopards choose a Target to watch. Leopards can make a Perception Check each Segment in which they is using Action Points until they succeed. Once succeeding, the Leopard may make 1 Adjustment to any Strike rolls made by the Target against the Leopard and any Resist Checks the Leopard makes against the Target. Also, the Leopard can ignore Guard provided to the Target by Defensive Stance. The Leopard may change watched Targets once in each Segment, but will need to succeed a Perception Check against the new Target before getting the bonus again. If the Leopard loses line of sight with the Target for an extended time, Trained Eye may be lost.

At 2nd Domain, Trained Eye provides 2 Adjustments. Then at 3rd Domain, a second Target may be watched at the same time. Upon becoming a Leopard Beast, the Adjustments are increased to 3.

Any character attempting to perform a Readied Strike other than a Counter Strike Maneuver against a Leopard requires a successful Swiftness Check vs. the Leopard's Swiftness or the Strike is unsuccessful.

Weapon Effects

Leopards Strike with sharp claws and teeth that are swift and piercing like swords.

Weapon Effect 

Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 

Claws & Teeth

12 = +1 Action Point (1/Strike, 2/Activation)

+10% Wear


Leopards can leap in with a Charge and then Leap away with a Launching Strike. At 1st Domain the Leopard has these at a Mastery Level of 2. This increases to Mastery 3 at 2nd Domain, Mastery 4 at 3rd Domain, and Mastery 5 upon becoming a Leopard Beast.

Charge  (3 AP)

Charge allows the elohim to Move a greater distance while making a Strike, generally toward a Target. At Mastery Levels 4 and 5, Charge also grants additional Force for the Strike.

Charge may be employed without actually Striking a Target. If doing so, Exertion is still gained. Unlike other Strikes, the elohim can only Strike a Target within Range from where they end the Charge.

Mastery Level 1

Move 3" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the end of the Movement

Mastery Level 2

Move 3"-4" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the end of the Movement

Mastery Level 3 

Move 3"-5" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the end of the Movement

Mastery Level 4

Move 3"-6" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the end of the Movement

+3 Force

Mastery Level 5

Move 3"-7" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the end of the Movement

+6 Force


Launching Strike  (3 AP)

Launching Strike allows the elohim to Move a greater distance while making a Strike, generally away from a Target. At Mastery Levels 4 and 5, Launching Strike gives the elohim additional Guard vs. the next incoming Strike before their next Activation.

Launching Strike may be employed without actually Striking a Target. If doing so, Exertion is still gained. Unlike other Strikes, the elohim can only Strike a Target within Range from where they begin the Launching Strike.

Mastery Level 1

Move 3" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the start of the Movement

Mastery Level 2

Move up to 3"-4" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the start of the Movement

Mastery Level 3 

Move 3"-5" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the start of the Movement

Mastery Level 4

Move 3"-6" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the start of the Movement

+3 Guard vs. next Strike

Mastery Level 5

Move 3"-7" with this Strike

may only Strike Target at the start of the Movement

+6 Guard vs. next Strike


Leopards are treated as Messengers and also have improved Might and exceptional Swiftness, receiving an additional 7 Might and 21 Swiftness at 1st Domain, this increases to 21 Might and 40 Swiftness at 2nd Domain, 40 Might and 80 Swiftness at 3rd Domain, and 80 Might and 144 Swiftness once becoming a Leopard Beast.

Size and Mutations

Leopards fit the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim. However, the height is of course skewed when not standing upright. Also, like all bestial elohim, Leopards will gain varying Mutations when increasing in Tier.


The example below shows a sampling of Leopards increasing from 1st Domain to Leopard Beast. In this instance, the Mutations gained in order are: [removed from game], Poisonous Fangs, and [removed from game].
