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snakes.jpgRepresents: Blasphemies, Resentment, Hateful Speech

Venom flows like water from the Serpent's mouth. They stir up hateful feelings in humans and give them the most hurtful words with which to express them. Serpents are extremely fast and accurate. They strike swiftly with their fangs, often surprising their foe and leaving them unable to react. They don’t need you to be near to wear you down with their Poison, however. Serpents can also spit their venom at mid-range.

Special Abilities

Situational Awareness gives Serpents 7 to Perceive and 7 vs. Perceive.








7 to Perceive and
7 vs. Perceive

10 to Perceive and
10 vs. Perceive

13 to Perceive and
13 vs. Perceive

16 to Perceive and
16 vs. Perceive

Trained Eye lets Serpents choose a Target to watch. The Serpents must pass a Perceive Interaction vs. the Target (with a Difficulty of 0) and will then have certain benefits against the Target. The Serpent ignores any Guard the Target gains from Defensive Stance. The Serpent also gains 1 Adjustment in their favor vs. any Strike made by the Target or when making Check Rolls and Resist Checks vs. the Target. 

Serpents may attempt to establish Trained Eye only once per Turn. The Serpent may drop the current Target to attempt to watch a new Target. If the Serpent loses line of sight with the Target for an extended time, Trained Eye may be lost.

Trained Eye






1 Defensive Adjustment and 

ignore Guard from Defensive

Stance on 1 Perceived Target

2 Defensive


2 Perceived


3 Defensive




Serpents spew venom at their foes from mid-range. The spit can only be used once in each Turn the Serpent has. It causes no damage, instead adding Poison equal to 30% of the damage that would have been caused by the Strike. When their enemies approach or find themselves Fatigued from the venom, Serpents seize the opportunity and strike with their fangs, inflicting damage and further Poison.



Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 

Toxic Bite


12 = Poison:4 (1/Segment) 


Toxic Spit


12 = +10% damage; -50% damage dealt as Poison, 1/Turn

+10% damage


Serpents can make a Swift Strike that can leave their opponent no time to react.

Swift Strike (2 AP)

Swift Strike is so sudden it can leave the Target Surprised vs. the Strike. To avoid being Surprised, the Target must Pass a Swiftness Check vs. the Swiftness of the Serpent. The Target will have a penalty to the Check relative to the Mastery Level. Swift Strike can only be used as the first Strike the Serpent makes during their Turn.

The Serpent has Swift Strike at Mastery Level 2 as a Tier:1. Mastery Level 3 at Tier:2. Mastery Level 4 at Tier:3. Mastery Level 5 upon becoming a Serpent Beast.

Mastery Level 1

Target Surprised unless Passing a Swiftness Check vs. Serpent's Swiftness
-2 Difficulty to Target's Swiftness Check
must be first Strike in the Turn

Mastery Level 2

Target Surprised unless Passing a Swiftness Check vs. Serpent's Swiftness
-1 Difficulty to Target's Swiftness Check
must be first Strike in the Turn

Mastery Level 3 

Target Surprised unless Passing a Swiftness Check vs. Serpent's Swiftness
must be first Strike in the Turn

Mastery Level 4

Target Surprised unless Passing a Swiftness Check vs. Serpent's Swiftness
+1 Difficulty to Target's Swiftness Check
may still ignore up to 1 active defense if the Swiftness Check is Passed
must be first Strike in the Turn

Mastery Level 5

Target Surprised unless Passing a Swiftness Check vs. Serpent's Swiftness
+2 Difficulty to Target's Swiftness Check
may still ignore up to 2 active defenses if the Swiftness Check is Passed
must be first Strike in the Turn



Serpents are treated as Messengers and also have enhanced Swiftness and Control, receiving an additional 12 at 1st Domain, this increases to 24 at 2nd Domain, 40 at 3rd Domain, and 80 once becoming a Serpent Beast.

Size and Mutations

Serpents fit the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim. However, the height is of course skewed when not standing upright. Also, like all bestial elohim, Serpents will gain varying Mutations when increasing in Tier.


The example below shows a sampling of Serpents increasing from 1st Domain to Serpent Beast. In this instance, the Mutations gained in order are: Stealthy Body, Spindly Legs, and Howling Muzzle.
