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Character Creation Steps
Below are the steps to follow when manually creating a character in Allies of Majesty. In each section look for the information under the heading: Character Creation Notes: and follow any instructions given. Step 1: Choose Order Select the Order(s) embodied ...
Bestial Elohim Varieties
As discussed in the lore, some rebellious elohim have not only rejected the purposes they were given, but have also rejected their given appearance and the symbolism that comes attached to it. They have chosen to adopt another form and appearance that relate...
Unholy Dual-Order Disciplines
Warmonger The Warmonger is the corruption of the Field Commander. Warmongers love leading in War for the sheer thrill engaging with the enemy provides. They will seldom pass up a chance at confrontation and are shrewd when engaged. They share their learned sk...
Unholy Minstrels
Unholy Minstrels have come to believe themselves to be better recipients for worship than the Most High. They have come to understand the power in their Songs and will use it to bend others to their will at every opportunity. They can make even the strongest b...
Unholy Ministering Spirits
Unholy Ministering Spirits still minister to and aid their comrades but their intentions are often more manipulative and transactional in intent. They most certainly expect something in return for their sacrifice and they will not forget a gift not returned in...
Unholy Messengers
Unholy Messengers no longer care about delivering the news of others except to the extent that it serves their own ends. If their services will gain them the Prestige needed to increase in Power, they will be persuaded. But Messengers often know when battle ha...
Power Among the Unholy
The Most High created all lesser elohim with varying degrees of spiritual strength and abilities. Some, such as Michael and the all the other princes were created as archangels from the beginning. Some say that this contributed to their corruption, save Michae...
Unholy Warriors
Unholy Warriors have transitioned from loyally serving the Most High to serving their own desires for glory, power, or control. At lower Power they will often serve as guards and enforcers in order to gain enough Prestige to serve in a higher position or begin...
Bestial Mutations
More powerful bestial elohim include features of other creatures as well, mixing the symbolism and displaying their progressive vileness. Ziz, Behemoth, and Leviathan do not gain mutations from other bestial elohim, but instead increase in wickedness of their ...
Are there Social Abilities?
to Perceive measures how easily an elohim notices details. vs. Perceive measures how well an elohim avoids being noticed. The other Social Attributes measure how easily an elohim can influence others or be influenced by others. They are categorized by th...
Turn Checklists
If you are using the Dry Bones level of play, use the Checklist below: Dry Bones Checklist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you Begin Your Turn: Enter or leave Defensive Stance (Ministering Spirit) End any ...
Are there Attributes Specifically for Combat?
War Attributes War Attributes translate Basic Attributes or other qualities of an elohim into factors that are commonly referenced during gameplay for ease of use. Force determines how much Endurance damage an elohim can inflict with each Hit in their Strike...
How are a Character’s Strengths and Weaknesses Expressed?
Overall power is measures by a character's Rank. Accumulating Honor leads to promotion in Rank. Tier is a more overarching measure of status. Magnitude Magnitude is derived from Tier and measures the weight of a character's presence. Basic Attributes ...
What are the Characters Like?
Characters in Allies of Majesty can be one of the 4 basic Orders: Warrior, Messenger, Ministering Spirit, Minstrel. Players can also choose to be any combination of these Orders, even all 4. Warriors have the face of a lion, representative of kingship, fierce...
How is Allies of Majesty Played?
Allies of Majesty is a tabletop roleplaying game where players engage in cooperative storytelling. It is ideally played by 2-6 players, one of whom will function as the Host, presenting the story and controlling the environment for the rest of the players. ...
What is Allies of Majesty About?
Allies of Majesty is set in the world we know during any time period. One difference is that your character is an elohim (eh-low-heem), a spiritual being often called an angel. You are an elohim loyal to the Most High, the Most High, the eternal creator of all...
Excerpts from the Elohim
The following are short excerpts that can help build a flavor for the way some elohim may look at the Most High, other elohim, humans, and the material creation. These few excerpts are from early days while even the elohim were still relatively young. (While...
Singing Songs
Songs can be sung by Minstrels. The Minstrel sings using their Passion to inspire reactions in those who hear the Songs. Some Songs cause direct reactions in all holy elohim or all unholy elohim who hear them, while others cause symbolic manifestations that af...
Using Spiritual Effects
Spiritual Effects can be used by Ministering Spirits. The Ministering Spirit uses their Resolve to produce effects in the spirit realm that manifest in unique ways. Allotment Range Initiating & Frequency of Use Timing & Resolution Choosing Targets Mult...
Represents: Gluttony, Ferocity Bears are motivated mostly by their insatiable hunger. They are never satisfied. While they are large, they are not slothful and do not tire easily. Motivated by their hunger, they can have bursts of speed when moving toward the...