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Strengths of Holds

Modes of Play Establishing & Maintaining a Hold

Holds  Once you have a character that is at least Rank:12, Tier:2, you can ask a Host to help yo...

Updated 1 day ago by Anthony


Character Creation & Advancement Orders of Elohim

Messengers are the communications force within the Armies of Heaven. They possess incredible ...

Updated 2 days ago by Anthony


Rules & Gameplay Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits

Perception is the ability of an elohim to discern information about others and about their surrou...

Updated 2 days ago by Anthony

Social Interactions

Rules & Gameplay Social Interactions

Both during and outside of War elohim will interact with one another. Elohim can also interact wi...

Updated 2 days ago by Anthony

Dice Rolls

Rules & Gameplay The Dice Roll

Most things in Allies of Majesty are decided by the rolling of dice. These dice represent various...

Updated 2 days ago by Anthony

Unclean Spirits

Behind the Lore Rebellions & Rebellious Spirits

Unclean Spirits are lesser spirits that harass humans, especially the unrighteous. They are the...

Updated 2 days ago by Anthony

Zealot (Warrior Discipline)

Character Creation & Advancement Disciplines

Zealots are very passionate Warriors who focus and build their Passion to great effect agains...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Peacemaker (Ministering Spirit Discipline)

Character Creation & Advancement Disciplines

Peacemakers are Ministering Spirits who strive to be truly at peace in all situations, practicing...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony


Character Creation & Advancement Orders of Elohim

Minstrels are the lead worshipers of the Armies of Heaven. They possess more Passion than any o...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Presence Family

Character Creation & Advancement Spiritual Effects

Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Suppression ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony


Character Creation & Advancement Wings & Horns

As discussed in the section about spiritual symbolism an elohim's appearance is chosen by the elo...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony


Catalogue of Evil Bestial Elohim

Represents: False Doctrines; Misleading Signs & Wonders Biblically frogs and toads are treate...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Honor for Missions

Host Resources Awarding Honor

Being elohim in loyal service to the Most High means the player characters will be given missions...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Shepherd (Warrior/Minstrel Discipline)

Character Creation & Advancement Disciplines

Shepherds are Warrior/Minstrels who concern themselves deeply with the accumulation and applicati...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Epic Blessings

Character Creation & Advancement Character Advancement

When an elohim is promoted in Tier to Second Heaven, you may choose an Epic Blessing for them. Yo...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Unholy Ministering Spirits

Catalogue of Evil Unholy Elohim

Unholy Ministering Spirits still minister to and aid their comrades but their intentions are ofte...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Seeds of Growth

Character Creation & Advancement

Seeds of Growth represent growth potential sown into an elohim by the Most High. These Seeds do n...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Standard Bearer (Minstrel Discipline)

Character Creation & Advancement Disciplines

Standard Bearers are Minstrels who focus on inspiring their allies. They do this by reminding the...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

Rank Appropriate Missions

Host Resources Crafting Missions

Allies of Majesty is a unique setting and one of the first temptations many new Hosts will confro...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony

What is Allies of Majesty About?

High Level Overview of Allies of Majesty

Allies of Majesty is set in the world we know during any time period. One difference is that your...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Anthony