Recently Updated Pages
A elohim’s Status refers to their current overall state of being. If everything is in order, the ...
Inspiration & Obstruction Pools
As play progresses, the player characters will feel the effects of how well or how poorly circums...
Goat Family (Corruption of the Sheep Family)
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Goat for Azaz...
Sheep Family
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Sacrificial L...
Fire Family (Corruption of the Flame Family)
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Burning Bla...
Flame Family
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Flaming Sword...
Cry Family
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Battle Cry ...
Howl Family (Corruption of the Cry Family)
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Ravenous Howl...
Dread Family (Corruption of the Fear Family)
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Dread Cu...
Fear Family
Progression Tier:1 Tier:2 Tier:3 Tier:4 1 Fear of the L...
Prominent Figures
The Most High The Most High, Elyon in the Hebrew, is supreme and is the Creator of all things. H...
Social Interactions can be more impactful than might be anticipated. In addition to other effects...
Parley is when two opposing parties (whether a group or an individual) formally discuss their dif...
Resist Checks
Resist Checks are Check Rolls made to Resist the effects of Resistible and Wearing Spiritual Effe...
Social Interactions Targeting Elohim
Jump to Interactions types & effects: Exciting an Ally Exciting an Enemy Soothing an Ally S...
Attribute Checks
Attribute Checks are usually made when trying to perform a task that puts a Basic Attribute to th...
Social Interactions
Both during and outside of War elohim will interact with one another. Elohim can also interact wi...
Perception is the ability of an elohim to discern information about others and about their surrou...
Social Interactions Targeting Humans
Social Interactions that involve humans as the Target will be affected by some additional conside...
Improving Social Attributes
As your elohim grows, he will also become more proficient in his Social Interactions. Each Rank y...