Strike Family
Progression |
Tier:1 |
Tier:2 |
Tier:3 |
Tier:4 |
1 |
Blessed Rod of the Lord |
Righteous Rod of the Lord |
2 |
Blessed True Stones |
Righteous True Stones |
Rod of the Lord
Rod of the Lord manifests a Staff(s) that the Minstrel can wield with Increased Guard. The Guard Increase is twice the invested SPP. The Staff also doubles Falter caused by the Passion Effect.
Rod of the Lord Increases Guard by up to 4, so no more than 2 SPP may be invested. If holding an Item other than a Staff, the Item is put away and can be automatically re-equipped when the Song is ended.
Blessed Rod of the Lord can Increase Guard by up to 8, allowing as many as 4 SPP to be invested. Righteous Rod of the Lord can Increase Guard by up to 12, allowing 6 SPP to be invested.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Rod of the Lord |
Manifesting Ongoing Self |
12 |
manifests Staff that Increases Guard by (2xSPP) (max 4) Falter from the Passion Effect is doubled |
Blessed Rod of the Lord |
24 |
manifests Staff that Increases Guard by (2xSPP) (max 8) Falter from the Passion Effect is doubled |
Righteous Rod of the Lord |
40 |
manifests Staff that Increases Guard by (2xSPP) (max 12) Falter from the Passion Effect is doubled |
True Stones
True Stones manifests a Sling that the Minstrel can wield with Increased Force. The Force Increase is twice the invested SPP. If 2 SPP is invested, the total Falter, caused by the Passion Effect is increased by 1 (if any Falter is caused).
The maximum SPP investment in True Stones is 2. If holding an Item other than a Sling, the Item is put away and can be automatically re-equipped when the Song is ended.
Blessed True Stones has a maximum SPP investment of 4. In addition to the bonus for 2SPP, if 4 SPP is invested, an additional 12 Effect is added to the Sling of 12 = +1 Hit that can trigger only once per Strike. Righteous True Stones has a maximum SPP investment of 6. In addition to the bonuses for 2 SPP and 4 SPP, if 6 SPP is invested, then the additional 12 Effect can trigger twice per Strike.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
True Stones |
Manifesting Ongoing Self |
21 |
manifests Sling that Increases Force by (2xSPP) (max 4) if 2 SPP, +1 Falter to Passion Effect |
Blessed True Stones |
40 |
manifests Sling that Increases Force by (2xSPP) (max 8) if 2 SPP, +1 Falter to Passion Effect if 4 SPP, 12 = +1 Hit (1/Strike) |
Righteous True Stones |
80 |
manifests Sling that Increases Force by (2xSPP) (max 12) if 2 SPP, +1 Falter to Passion Effect if 4 SPP, 12 = +1 Hit (1/Strike) if 6 SPP, +1 Hit = (2/Strike) instead |
Iron Scepter
Iron Scepter manifests a Staff(s) with Increased Guard & Force. The Increase is twice the invested SPP. The Staff also Knocks Back elohim Struck by the Minstrel 1" for every Hit, regardless of Stops.
The maximum SPP investment is 12. If holding an Item other than a Staff, the Item is put away and can be automatically re-equipped when the Song is ended.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Iron Scepter |
Manifesting Ongoing Self |
144 |
manifests Staff that Increases Guard & Force by (2xSPP) (max 24) Strikes Knock Back Defender 1" per Hit, regardless of Stops |