Rules & Gameplay
In Allies of Majesty, all of the Players actively participate in the telling of a story. Each Player is responsible for the actions of their own elohim character and the overarching story is created and controlled by a person acting as the Host.
Tutorials & Aids
Tutorials and aids to help you explore the Allies of Majesty game system.
Space & Time
This sections explores the use and occupation of space and moving through it. It also covers the ...
Dominions are boundaries of spiritual authority. Dominions are usually linked to a physical locat...
Treatments of Time
Time Time references in the game refer to the game world, and are independent of the way time p...
Taking Action
Actions Points Each time a character has an Turn, they will be given a certain number of Action ...
Occupying Space
Elohim do not occupy space in the material realm without purposely manifesting. They do, however,...
Measuring Distances
Measuring distances is an important part of gameplay. We measure distances to determine how far a...
The Dice Roll
A simple, single section and yet so very central of how the game is played.
Dice Rolls
Most things in Allies of Majesty are decided by the rolling of dice. These dice represent various...
Attribute Checks
Attribute Checks are usually made when trying to perform a task that puts a Basic Attribute to th...
Resist Checks
Resist Checks are Check Rolls made to Resist the effects of Resistible and Wearing Spiritual Effe...
Spiritual Presence & Sensing Spirits
This section deals with ways in which the presence of holy and unholy spirits affects an area and...
Affecting the Material Realm
The most common questions from players revolve around how their elohim characters interact with h...
Sensing Others
Spirits can sense the presence of one another when in very close proximity of 3” from one another...
Perception is the ability of an elohim to discern information about others and about their surrou...
Surprise Segments
At any time an elohim or group of elohim are aware of an opposing elohim or group of elohim that ...
Concealing Your Glory
Elohim can Conceal their Glory. While their Concealing their Glory, the weight of their spiritual...
Expressing Your Glory
Elohim can choose to fully express the weight of their glory, or Magnitude. This reveals the eloh...
Melee Influence
Each elohim has a Magnitude that measures the weightiness of their spiritual presence. A great we...
Area Influence
As holy and unholy elohim become involved in a situation, their presence can affect the general a...
Social Interactions
This section deals with the ways in which elohim interact with and influence each other and humans.
Social Interactions
Both during and outside of War elohim will interact with one another. Elohim can also interact wi...
Social Interactions Targeting Elohim
Jump to Interactions types & effects: Exciting an Ally Exciting an Enemy Soothing an Ally S...
Social Interactions Targeting Humans
Social Interactions that involve humans as the Target will be affected by some additional conside...
Human Social Attributes & Qualities
Human non-player characters, NPCs, have the same Social Attributes as elohim. Their values cannot...
Influencing Humans During War
Influencing humans while there is no active spiritual combat can happen at a pace that matches th...
Social Interactions can be more impactful than might be anticipated. In addition to other effects...
Social Objectives
Social Objectives are a means of adding structure and clarity to roleplaying situations, especial...
Parley is when two opposing parties (whether a group or an individual) formally discuss their dif...
A comprehensive treatment of combat in the spiritual world of Allies of Majesty.
What is War?
While many situations can be avoided or resolved without violent conflict, many situations cannot...
Rules of Engagement
The first thing that must be considered in any War is if there is any right to even have a War at...
Receiving Bonuses, Penalties, & Damage
Before we dive deeply into War, we should describe how Attributes are raised and lowered during g...
It takes 1 Action Point to Move a character 1” in any direction. This includes directions that ca...
What is a Strike? A Strike is an attack. When an elohim Strikes they will make a Strike Roll wh...
Using Spiritual Effects
Spiritual Effects can be used by Ministering Spirits. The Ministering Spirit uses their Resolve t...
Singing Songs
Songs can be sung by Minstrels. The Minstrel sings using their Passion to inspire reactions in th...
Other War Actions
Manifest or Shift a Weapon Defensive Stance Stand Ready Carry Over Rest Eating and Drinkin...
Condition relays the exhaustion level of the elohim. An elohim that becomes overtaxed, will refle...
A elohim’s Status refers to their current overall state of being. If everything is in order, the ...
Special Effects in War
Faltering Knocked Back Poisoned Bound Grappled/Entangled Surprised Exposed Faltering ...
Elohim do not sleep, unless spiritually induced. They do benefit from restful peace, however. ...
Winning the War
When all opposition is Defeated or otherwise removed, then the elohim have won and the War ends. ...
Inspiration, Obstruction, & Archons
Inspiration and Obstruction represent the effects of the flow of circumstances. Archons and Chief...
Inspiration & Obstruction Pools
As play progresses, the player characters will feel the effects of how well or how poorly circums...
Gaining Inspiration & Obstruction Tokens
Inspiration Tokens allow players to shift an instant in the game more into their elohim’s favor. ...
Uses of Inspiration & Obstruction
Inspiration Tokens can be used in a variety of ways and at almost any time. Pretty much any way y...
Archons are unholy elohim who stand out above the other unholy elohim in a situation. Archons sta...
The following are enhanced uses for Inspiration Tokens that players can specialize in. Most Speci...