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Influencing Humans During War

Influencing humans while there is no active spiritual combat can happen at a pace that matches the time scale of human lives. Once War starts, however, the perspective of time shifts to match that of the elohim. Elohim are much faster than humans and during spiritual War the human events can seem to slow to a near crawl.

Time for Humans

Humans act during at the very end of Segment 1 each Cycle. Because spiritual scale shifts depending the setting, it is not possible to give an exact scale or number of inches humans can travel. Each Cycle is roughly 3 seconds in the material realm, so humans will generally do what might happen in a span of 3-5 seconds. This is a guideline and is subject to Host discretion and the needs of the situation.

 Windows of Influence

Because time passes more slowly for humans, they can only receive so much input at once. Each human can be influenced by a single holy character and a single unholy character between each of their Turns. So, if a War started, one influence attempt could be made by each side during Segment 1. The humans act at the end of Segment 1. Then, they can be influenced one more time by each side before their next Turn at the end of Segment 1 of the following Cycle. Any additional attempts to influence are drown out by the first information they are processing. Characters with Boundless Spark and/or using a Swiftness Perk cannot circumvent this, but they can influence multiple people differently where they would normally have been able to influence only one or multiple (with a penalty) in a single manner.