Social Interactions
This section deals with the ways in which elohim interact with and influence each other and humans.
Social Interactions
Both during and outside of War elohim will interact with one another. Elohim can also interact wi...
Social Interactions Targeting Elohim
Jump to Interactions types & effects: Exciting an Ally Exciting an Enemy Soothing an Ally S...
Social Interactions Targeting Humans
Social Interactions that involve humans as the Target will be affected by some additional conside...
Human Social Attributes & Qualities
Human non-player characters, NPCs, have the same Social Attributes as elohim. Their values cannot...
Influencing Humans During War
Influencing humans while there is no active spiritual combat can happen at a pace that matches th...
Social Interactions can be more impactful than might be anticipated. In addition to other effects...
Social Objectives
Social Objectives are a means of adding structure and clarity to roleplaying situations, especial...
Parley is when two opposing parties (whether a group or an individual) formally discuss their dif...