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A comprehensive treatment of combat in the spiritual world of Allies of Majesty.

What is War?

While many situations can be avoided or resolved without violent conflict, many situations cannot...

Rules of Engagement

The first thing that must be considered in any War is if there is any right to even have a War at...

Receiving Bonuses, Penalties, & Damage

Before we dive deeply into War, we should describe how Attributes are raised and lowered during g...


It takes 1 Action Point to Move a character 1” in any direction. This includes directions that ca...


What is a Strike?  A Strike is an attack. When an elohim Strikes they will make a Strike Roll wh...

Using Spiritual Effects

Spiritual Effects can be used by Ministering Spirits. The Ministering Spirit uses their Resolve t...

Singing Songs

Songs can be sung by Minstrels. The Minstrel sings using their Passion to inspire reactions in th...

Other War Actions

Manifest or Shift a Weapon Defensive Stance Stand Ready Carry Over Rest Eating and Drinkin...


Condition relays the exhaustion level of the elohim. An elohim that becomes overtaxed, will refle...


A elohim’s Status refers to their current overall state of being. If everything is in order, the ...

Special Effects in War

Faltering Knocked Back Poisoned Bound Grappled/Entangled Surprised Exposed Faltering  ...


Elohim do not sleep, unless spiritually induced. They do benefit from restful peace, however. ...

Winning the War

When all opposition is Defeated or otherwise removed, then the elohim have won and the War ends. ...