Social Interactions Targeting Elohim
Jump to Interactions types & effects:
- Exciting an Ally
- Exciting an Enemy
- Soothing an Ally
- Subduing an Enemy
- Affirming an Ally
- Affirming an Enemy
- Aiming an Ally
- Aiming an Enemy
Interactions inside Melee Range have +1 Adjustment
Interactions outside 7" have -1 Adjustment
Interactions outside 14" are often ineffective
Interactions gain or lose Adjustments equal to half the difference in Magnitude between characters
Interactions targeting multiple characters combine the Magnitude of the Targets
Self-Targeted Interactions have -2 Adjustments
An elohim can perform a Self-Targeted Social Interaction. Self-Targeted have a penalty of 2 Adjustments.
Herald sees a nearby ally being overwhelmed by the enemy. Herald tries to offer encouragement by calling out and reminding them that they are not alone. The Host decides this would be an Affirming Interaction. Herald’s has 1 Skill in Affirm/Aim giving a starting total of 1 Adjustment to the Check Roll. The targeted ally has a Composure of -1 to Affirm which adds 1 Adjustment in Herald's favor. Herald is 6” away from the Target, giving no Adjustment for Range. Herald and the Target are of the same Tier, so no Adjustments for that either. Herald gets 2 Adjustments to his Social Check Roll.
{(Skill) + Composure + Range + Tier Difference = 2 Adjustments}
{1 + 1 + 0 + 0 = 2}
Social Reactions
Social Interactions will elicit a base reaction that is universal, regardless of the specific kind of Interaction and also additional effects that are specific to the Interaction.
Degrees of Success & Universal Outcomes
- 7 or more Passes = Superb Success; strong reaction
- +/-3 Acquiescence
- 3-6 Passes = Success; moderate reaction
- +/-1 Acquiescence
- 1-2 Passes = Minor Success; minor reaction
- 0 Acquiescence
- 0 Passes - 2 Fails = Failure; Absence of any Reaction
- 0 Acquiescence
- 3 or more Fails = Superb Failure; minor opposing reaction
- 1 Acquiescence removed
The following are some examples of the kinds of specific reactions that could come from Social Interactions of the various Motives (results are listed in order of Minor Success/Success/Superb Success/ Epic Success):
Exciting an Ally
- Restore 7/14/21 Passion (inspired, motivated)
- +1/2/3 Action Points to Target’s next Turn
- +1/3/7 to Target’s Force for next Strike that deals damage
- increase the level and refresh the Duration of an existing positive Excite reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing positive Subdue Interaction from the Target
Exciting an Enemy
- 7/14/21 Resolve damage (fear, doubt)
- Target Falters 2/4/6 Action Points
- -1 Adjustment/Bane:1/Bane:2 to Target’s next Strike
- increase the level and refresh the Duration of an existing negative Excite reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing negative Subdue Interaction from the Target
Soothing an Ally
- Restore 7/14/21 Resolve (encouraged, rallied)
- -1 Adjustment/Bane:1/Bane:2 to next Strike vs. the Target
- +1 Adjustment/Boon:1/Boon:2 to Target’s next Resist Check
- increase the level and refresh the Duration of an existing positive Soothe reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing negative Excite Interaction from the Target
Subduing an Enemy
- 7/14/21 Passion damage (insignificance, intimidation)
- -3/7/12 to Target’s Force for next Strike that deals damage (minimum 1 Force)
- -1 Adjustment/Bane:1/Bane:2 to Target’s next Resist Check
- increase the level and refresh the Duration of an existing negative Subdue reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing positive Excite Interaction from the Target
Affirming an Ally
- restore 7/14/21 Endurance (galvanized, steeled)
- +1 Adjustment/Boon:1/Boon:2 to next Social Interaction performed by Target
- -1 Adjustment/Bane:1/Bane:2 to next opposing Social Interaction against Target
- reduce time or effects of Weakened Status: negate the -2 for 1 War Attribute/negate the -2 for 3 War Attributes/negate Weakened Status until this character's next Turn
- prolong an existing Social Interaction effect on the Target. The effect will continue at 1/2/3 Levels of Success, but cannot exceed the Level of the prolonged effect.
Affirm an Enemy
- increase time or effects of Weakened Status: give another -2 to 1 War Attribute/give another -2 to 3 War Attributes/extend Weakened Status for another of the Weakened character's Turns (or another -2 to all War Attributes if that would make more sense)
- prolong an existing Social Interaction effect on the Target. The effect will continue at 1/2/3 Levels of Success, but cannot exceed the Level of the prolonged effect.
Aiming an Ally
(For these options, the situation should make sense that the Aiming character is following direction rather than the players coordinating together just to maximize benefit. Also, a character may not perform a Self-Targeted Aim Interaction.)
- +1/2/3 Action Points if cooperating with direction on Moving, Striking, Defensive Stance, or Spiritual Effects
- +1/2/3 SPP if following singing direction
- increase the level of an existing positive Aim reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing negative Aim Interaction from the Target
Aiming an Enemy
- -1/2/3 Action Points if not cooperating with direction on Moving, Striking, Defensive Stance, or Spiritual Effects
- -1/2/3 SPP if not following singing direction (Target selection or kind used)
- increase the level of an existing negative Aim reaction of the Target
- remove 1/2/3 levels of an existing positive Aim Interaction from the Target