Affecting the Material Realm
The most common questions from players revolve around how their elohim characters interact with humans and the material realm. While elohim are not part of the material creation, they are indeed still created beings. The spiritual is a part of everything material. The Breath of the Most High (ruach = breath, wind, or Spirit) sustains the entire creation, spiritual and material. Nothing exists without the Most High's continuing to will it to exist. To exist is to be an orderly creation with a function as opposed to disordered chaos, like the abyssal deep that the Most High created everything from. Elohim are not exempt from this. They are a part of creation as a whole and being of the spiritual realm primarily leaves them "unseen" by the material creation.
Elohim and the Senses
Elohim are by default undetected by all physical senses for those of the material realm. Material objects do obstruct sight and can hinder the projection of spiritual sound. But, elohim can move around freely, through objects or even living beings and are not seen, heard, touched, etc. That being said, some humans or animals will occasionally feel a spiritual presence or catch a glimpse of an elohim. These instances are by far the exception rather than the rule. Such occurrences are usually due to the elohim's choosing for it to be so.
Manifesting into the Material Realm
Elohim may choose to manifest their presence into the material realm. This can happen in a variety of ways. Elohim can manifest audibly, visibly, or tangibly and in any combination. They can manifest selectively to any of the human senses. They can also manifest selectively to only certain material beings.
Visually Manifesting
When manifesting visually, elohim can appear in their full glory, but this is usually frightening and overpowering to flesh and blood creatures. For this reason, elohim will often alter their appearance to seem more human or even Conceal their Glory so as not to be known as an elohim. When appearing visibly, elohim are limited to appearing as human or animal as large as an elephant or as small as a small breed of dog. They can appear dressed or groomed however they desire and can carry or manifest items, but without the Most High's cooperation these items are not actual physical items and as such cannot exist permanently apart from the elohim. Rarely is it acceptable for an elohim to appear as a specific human or animal. Unclean Spirits are the most egregious violators of this protocol.
Manifest Voice
Elohim can also speak to the spirits of humans. The human hears this in a manner similar to a thought, but can usually distinguish that the thought was not their own.
Manifesting in Dreams
Elohim can suggest mental images or dreams to humans by speaking to the human’s spirit, but cannot directly induce true dreams or visions without permission from the Most High or without the human forcing the overlapping of the two realms through practices like fasting, asceticism, transcendental meditation, or psychoactive drug use. Unholy elohim use such means to reach humans at a much deeper level once they have knowingly or unknowingly opened themselves to the spiritual realm.
Manifesting Spiritual Effects and Songs
How Spiritual Effects affect the material realm are not as limited and predictable in result as they are when used on other elohim. Spiritual Effects may be used more broadly and creatively. For example, Refresh might be used to make spoiled food pure and safe for consumption.
The same can be said about Songs' effects on the material realm. Songs that are sung intending to affect the material realm are not directly heard, but more so felt by material beings. Affecting Songs could be sung this way to broadly affect the mood or tone of a setting. Manifesting Songs might be sung this way to produce a result related to their imagery or effect. For example, Winds of Heaven could be manifested to cause a favorable wind for a sailing ship. Songs that would normally affect all holy or unholy elohim can be made to also affect the material realm or only affect the material realm and not affect nearby elohim.