Perception is the ability of an elohim to discern information about others and about their surroundings. The information gathered is mostly limited to the creativity of the player trying to Perceive it. The information does need to be something that can be reasonably argued to be observable, even if it would be very difficult to Perceive. Perception can also be used by the Host to determine if the elohim naturally recalls relevant information. Perception is only necessary in instances when the character would not reasonably and readily know the information. For example, if a holy character has reduced Speed because of a Song, it would be obvious that they are being affected by Sloth. If they see chains forming around another elohim, it would be apparent that Bind or Bondage is being used. Which Ministering Spirit is using the Spiritual Effect may not always be as readily apparent.
Perception is considered a Social Attribute and is divided into "to Perceive" and "vs. Perceive". Perception is more of a static Attribute than one that can be purposely developed. Most characters are considered to have average ability to Perceive and avoid being Perceived. A character can boost both of these abilities by assuming Defensive Stance and thereby behaving in a more alert and more cautious manner. Also, Messengers are blessed with increased abilities in both aspects of Perception. This aids them in performing the duties they were created for.
Incidental Perception vs. Intentional Perception
Perception works in two ways; Incidental Perception and Intentional Perception. Incidental Perception is when there is something that an elohim may incidentally Perceive just by being nearby but the elohim is not actively trying to Perceive it. Intentional Perception is when the Player is actively trying to Perceive specific information.
In the case of Incidental Perception, the Host rolls a secret Perception Interaction for the player. If the Perception Interaction is Passed, then the Host will reveal information to the player. If the Perception Interaction is Failed, then the Host will proceed without drawing attention to the fact that a Perception Interaction was even made.
Incidental Perception Interactions should be repeated occasionally if the character remains near the subject of the Perception. Usually another Interaction will be rolled each time the elohim crosses into a closer range (based on the ranges in the Perception Modifiers below).
In the case of Intentional Perception, the player initiates by declaring to the Host what it is they would like to try to Perceive. The Host then rolls a hidden Perception Interaction for the Player and informs the player what, if anything, their character Perceives. Sometimes the Host may require the use of Action Points in order to Intentionally Perceive multiple things in a row. The general rule is that a character can try to Perceive up to two things each Turn without requiring the use of Action Points. Being especially skilled and Perception, players with a Messenger character would be wise to make good use of Intentional Perception to gain valuable information that could affect their choices or the choices of their allies.
When an elohim has a high "vs. Perceive" value, they may find it a beneficial option to engage in stealthy activity. While the enemy is unaware of an elohim's presence, Incidental Perception is used to determine if/when the enemy notices them. Once the elohim has been noticed, no further Perception Interactions are needed to continue to notice the elohim unless they leave line of sight of the enemy or group of enemies. If having left line of sight, the Host will determined if/when the situation warrants requiring an Incidental Perception check once again. As a general guideline, if the elohim spends at least one complete Turn outside line of site, then a Perception Interaction might be warranted when they re-emerge. If the character steps behind a rock and enemies are watching the whole time, simply waiting and stepping back out will not likely warrant a Perception Interaction for them to be noticed. However, if the elohim enters a building by a front door and exits by the rear or side door later, the Host may determine the enemy would need a Perception Interaction to notice them.
Resolving Perception Interactions
As stated before, the Host resolves all Perception Interactions privately with the exception of Perception Interactions made for Trained Eye, which are made by the player. This adds to realism in the story experience. Sometimes the roll may be so bad that the Host decides to give false information. With a private roll, the player does not need to pretend their character is acting on a false conclusion. They literally will be, provided the Host can keep the secret.
Interpreting Die Results
9-12 is a Pass representing that the character was discerning to a degree.
4-8 is a Neutral representing that the character failed to see to a degree.
1-3 is a Fail representing that the Target was guarded and undiscernible to a degree.
In regard to Epic Interactions:
- If the natural roll contains two or more uncanceled 12s (not canceled by a 1), the roll is considered an Epic Interaction and natural 12s may not be adjusted down in an Epic roll.
- If the natural roll contains three or more uncanceled 12's, it is automatically a Passed Interaction, regardless of how Adjustments would affect the final outcome. Adjustments may, however, avoid a Superb Pass.
- If the natural roll contains two or more uncanceled 1s (not canceled by a 12), the roll is considered an Epic Interaction and natural 1s may not be Adjusted up in an Epic Failure.
- If the natural roll contains three or more 1s, it is automatically a Failed Interaction, regardless of how Adjustments would affect the final outcome. Adjustments may, however, avoid a Superb Failure.
Degrees of Success
Perception Interactions are overall Passed (3+ Passes) or Failed (fewer than 3 Passes), but there are degrees within a Pass or Fail. Results are judged as follows:
7 or more Passes = Superb Pass; gives bonus information
3-6 Passes = Pass; give the full information sought
1-2 Passes = Near Pass; some vague related information is Perceived
0 Passes-2 Fails = Failure; no usable information
3 or more Fails = Superb Failure; Perceive false information
There are no Factor Values for Perception Interactions. Values for to Perceive and vs. Perceive are each directly a number of Adjustments and do not need translated. The modifiers are also directly a number of Adjustments. Interactions are intended to be resolved as simply as possible to keep the game moving.
Several things can modify the number of Adjustments in a Perception Interaction. The modifiers for a character "to Perceive" and then "vs. Perceive" when they are the one being Perceived. There are a lot of variables that can affect Perception, but the goal is not to be overly technical about the modifiers and get bogged down with them. Treat the information listed below as guidelines and suggestions for the Host. Ultimately, the Host is the only one who sees the Perception rolls and their ultimate purpose is to enhance the story, not detract from it with a long pause. That being said, here are several Perception modifiers that should give an idea of how different factors play in to Perception (+ indicated Adjustments in favor of the one Perceiving. - indicates Adjustments against the one Perceiving):
Incidental Perception
Incidental Perception Modifiers for Range
Perceiving a presence out to 3”… sensed, if Glory is Concealed +12
Perceiving a presence beyond 3” and out to 7”……………………....…...+7
Perceiving a presence beyond 7” and out to 14”…………………....…….+3
Perceiving a presence beyond 14” out to 21”……………...……......……...0
Perceiving a presence beyond 21” out to 28”……………….…...….……..-3
Perceiving a presence beyond 28” out to 40”…………….….....…...……..-7
Perceiving a presence beyond 40”…………….……………...……...……..-12 and -1 more for each 1” beyond 40” out to a reasonable maximum of 49"
Additional Modifiers for Incidental Perception
Strongest Tier being Perceived is Tier:0….......……….......…….….…......-3
Strongest Tier being Perceived is Tier:1-2.....……....……...……...............0
Strongest Tier being Perceived is Tier:3.....….……..……....…...…..........+3
Strongest Tier being Perceived is Tier:4.....….……..……....…...…..........+7
The Perceiving elohim has a Horse or Chariot.……….......……......….…+3
The Perceived elohim has a Horse or Chariot...………........…….....…....+3
When the elohim is aware of the/a presence……....................................+3
If in the direction faced (90° cone)......(auto within 14" if unobstructed)...+3
If the Perceived is Singing..................(auto within 14" if unobstructed)...+3 within 21”
(-7” to these distances if within a structure or Dominion)
group's "to Perceive" +1/other Messenger, +½/other non-Messenger
group's "vs. Perceive"..................worst +1/other non-Messenger, +½/other Messenger
Intentional Perception
Intentional Perception of an Elohim’s Details
Perceiving clearly visible things……….……auto within 21”…otherwise +12
(including: Tier, Order, Beast, what Song is being sung, Manifesting Spiritual Effects)
Perceiving readily observable things.......................................................+7
(including: Holy/Unholy, Defensive Stance, Rank/Power, Discipline)
Perceiving observable, but not clearly visible things…………..…...…....+3
(including: Basic Attribute values, War Attribute values, relative damage amounts, relative Exertion level, Affecting Spiritual Effects)
Perceiving less readily observable things…………...................................0
(including: precise damage amounts, precise Exertion level, Social Attribute values, Allotment into a Spiritual Effect, SPP investment into a Song)
Perceiving direction while moving underground………........………...…....0
Intentional Perception Range
Intentional Perception Range modifier out to 14”…..................................0
Intentional Perception Range modifier beyond 14” and out to 21”...........-3
Intentional Perception Range modifier beyond 21”...............…........…....-7 and -1 more for every 3” beyond out to a reasonable maximum of -12 at 42"
Additional Modifiers for Incidental and Intentional
"to Perceive" while in Defensive Stance……………………..….…….…….+3
"vs. Perceive" while in Defensive Stance…....……………....………………-3
Perceiving an elohim who's Glory is Concealed…………..…...…….……..-12
If partially obstructed..............................negates auto Perception.............-3
If fully obstructed....................................negates auto Perception.............-7
Once you have gotten comfortable with the system, the goal is to be able to quickly determine what degree is achieved without manually adjusting each die if possible. This helps Perception Checks to be resolved more quickly because they are usually in situations where longer interruptions can have a negatively impact.
A fallen Warrior is in Defensive Stance and trying to sneak up on Herald from behind across relatively open terrain. The Warrior crosses into a Range inside 14”.
The Host makes an Incidental Perception Interaction for Herald. They total up the Adjustments giving: +3 for Herald being a Tier:1 Multi-Order Messenger, +3 for Range, and -3 for the Warrior being in Defensive Stance.
The net total modifiers are +3 for Herald, so the Host will make 3 Adjustments to the Perception Interaction roll in Herald’s favor.
Perception with Groups & Scouting
The Host will often make only one Perception Interaction on behalf of an entire group in the interest of expediency. When Perceiving, the Host should consider the character who would have the most total Adjustments in their favor and then improve for group size. When being Perceived, the Host should consider the character who would have the least total Adjustments in their favor and then reduce for group size. In order to be treated separately in terms of Perception (both to Perceive and vs. Perceived), a character needs to be at least 12” apart from the nearest group member. All characters within 12” of another character will generally be combined for Perception purposes.
For this reason, Messengers may often wish to travel at least 12" ahead or peripheral to the larger group in order to take full advantage of their stealth. They may Perceive a potential threat before that threat Perceives their allies, allowing a Surprise attempt or avoiding an unnecessary War.
Objects & Line of Sight
Elohim can pass through physical objects, but they cannot see through them. If an elohim attempts to Strike an enemy they cannot see, the Host will determine an appropriate penalty based upon Perception, Range, and how much the Target has moved since last seen.
Hearing Others
The following are appropriate distances to hear and understand each kind of audible communication:
0”-3” Whisper
3”-7” Speaking
7”-14” Projecting
14”-21” Yelling
Each kind of communication can be noticed one range further with a Partial Pass, but cannot be understood. A Passed Perception Interaction enables understanding one range category further away. A Superb Pass can shift understand 2 Range categories further. Most normal levels of sound are not perceived outside 21”. An exception is a Lion’s roar, which can be heard as far as 40” away.