Other War Actions
- Manifest or Shift a Weapon
- Defensive Stance
- Stand Ready
- Carry Over
- Rest
- Eating and Drinking
- Using an Item
- Grapple
- Pushing Through
- Carrying Another
Besides Making a Strike, there are other actions that can be performed during War.
Manifest or Shift a Weapon
Requires 1 Action Point
may Move and/or Perform Social Interactions with the same Action Points
may Rest and/or Perform Social Interactions with the same Action Points
It takes 1 Action Point to manifest a weapon. Once manifested, the weapon can be maintained indefinitely, unless the elohim becomes Defeated. To change from one weapon to another, such as from Sword to Bow, also takes 1 Action Point.
Shifting the Fighting Style in which the current weapon is manifested, such as changing from a large two-handed Axe to an Axe and Shield requires 1 Action Point. When spending the 1 Action Point to remanifest a Spear (after having thrown it), you can choose to remanifest it in a different Style.
There are some weapons that have limitations in how they can be manifested. Bows and Slings are ranged weapons and cannot be manifested in Melee styles. As an exception, Slings can be manifested with a shield, but this does not allow Melee Strike Maneuvers to be used with a Sling.
Defensive Stance
+3 Guard
Full Defensive Stance commits for the entire Cycle and also gives +1 Defensive Adjustment
+3 to Perceive and vs. Perceive
+2 to all Social Composures
-2 to all Social Skills vs. those who see the elohim (can allow negative values)
all Movement distances are halved
Strikes take 1 more Action Point to perform
can take Melee Strikes for another if within Melee Range of the Striker and the Defender with a successful Control Check vs. the Striker's Control
can take Ranged Strikes for another if within Melee Range of the Defender and a 90º cone from the Defender toward the Striker
Defensive Stance is not a direct action. Instead, you can declare as your elohim begins their Turn that they will be in Defensive Stance until their next Turn. Defensive Stance increases their Guard by 3, requires an extra Action Point to perform Strikes, halves the distance covered when moving, adds +3 to the elohim's to Perceive and vs. Perceive, adds 2 to the elohim's Social Composures, and subtracts 2 from the elohim's Social Skills against those who can see them.
As an alternate option, an elohim can enter Full Defensive Stance at the beginning if their first Turn of the Cycle. Full Defensive Stance lasts for the entire Cycle and gives the character 1 Adjustment against Strikes targeting them in addition to all the benefits of Defensive Stance.
Charge and Launching Strike can be used while in Defensive Stance, but the extra distance is halved. The Warrior ability Martial Mobility allows the Warrior to add 1" distance traveled during a Move action each Turn while in Defensive Stance or to alternately ignore Defensive Stance Move penalties during one Maneuver each Turn.
Some effects can force the elohim to exit Defensive Stance. Becoming affected by certain Songs can force an elohim to behave as though in Defensive Stance, but prevent them from actually assuming Defensive Stance. Also, becoming Grappled, Bound, Exposed, suffering Falter:7, or suffering Falter:1 Cycle will all remove the elohim from Defensive Stance.
While in Defensive Stance an elohim may become the Target of incoming Strikes in place of another. In the case of Melee Strikes, the elohim must be within Melee Range of the Striker and the Defender and pass a Control Check compared to the Striker’s Control. In the case of Ranged Strikes, the elohim must be with in Melee Range of the Defender and the Strike must come from within a 90º cone from the elohim centered directly opposite the elohim they are defending. There are instances when the Ranged Striker is within Melee Range of the blocking elohim. When this is the case, the blocking elohim is able to be Struck by the Ranged Strike at less than the normal Range minimum. Also, in this case the Striker can also suffer Falter and Defensive Hits from the negative results.
Stand Ready
may hold Action Points for use before next Turn
must declare a use for any Action Points Readied
may declare up to 2 different possible uses for the same Action Points
Readied Action Points not used are considered Rested
Stand Ready is not really an Action. It simply allows an elohim to save Action Points for a later, specified use. When an elohim Stands Ready, they may then interrupt the game at any time to perform what they declared they were Standing Ready to do. The intended use for the Action Points being reserved must be declared at the time of Standing Ready. An elohim can declare up to two alternate uses for the Action Points being saved to Stand Ready with.
Ready Action Points are replaced by Resting if they are not used before the elohim’s next Turn. If the elohim is caused to Falter before using Ready Action Points, the Falter will reduce the amount of Ready Action Points causing the elohim to forgo some of all the of their intended uses. If an elohim is attempting to interrupt another elohim’s Turn in progress, the interrupting elohim must succeed a Swiftness Check vs. the other elohim’s Swiftness or the interruption will occur after the current elohim’s Turn.
Carry Over
delay Action Points from a Turn with 7 AP to the next Turn with fewer than 7 AP, increasing the AP of that future Turn (up to 7)
An elohim may Carry Over Action Points from any of their Turns to their next upcoming Turn with fewer than 7 AP naturally. No Turn cannot be increased beyond 7 AP this way. However, as is usual, special effects like Laying on Hands, Inspiration Tokens, and Social Interactions can take the total higher than 7 AP.
remove 1 Exertion for each 1 Action Point Rested
may Manifest/Shift Weapons and/or Perform Social Interactions with the same Action Points
Resting removes 1 Exertion for every 1 Action Point rested. Also, if an elohim does not use Action Points they were Standing Ready with, those Action Points are treated as having Rested instead.
Eating and Drinking
Requires 3 Action Points
Falter:3 at the beginning of the following Turn
Eating or drinking requires 3 Action Points to complete. As an additional cost, the elohim will Falter:3 at the beginning of each of their next Turn. During this time, the elohim may not eat or drink again. Effects like Resolute Stability and Release Bondage do not reduce or counter this Falter, but Recovery does.
It is possible to help a Defeated elohim eat or drink. Doing so must be done inside Melee Range and Costs the assisting elohim 6 Action Points to accomplish which can be paid across multiple Turns. Only the receiving elohim Falters.
Using an Item
The specific details of using an Item are dependent on the Item. The Item giver should provide the details of use when the Item is given. Items that are weapons require one Action Point to sheath or sling and that same Action Point may also be used to draw a different weapon or manifest a different weapon. Also, Items not in use must be carried, tucked away, or set down, but do not simply disappear in the manner that manifested weapons do.
Control Check vs. Control of Target to initiate a Grapple
Some characters can initiate Grappling with another character through a 12 Effect. All other characters must use 3 AP and receive 3 Exertion to try to Grapple another character. The character attempting to Grapple must pass a Control Check vs. the Control of the Target.
Grappler can Strike as a Might vs. Might Check
40 higher Might = can Strike others, only -2 Guard, Move distance is halved
80 higher Might = can use Grappled as a weapon, suffer no penalties
additional Force per Hit = 3 + (Greater Endurance/10) - (Lower Endurance/10)
The Grappler may not Strike another Target while Grappling and cannot be in Defensive Stance. They can make a 3 Action Point Strike (gaining 3 Exertion) against the Grappled elohim, making a Might vs. Might Check rather than a Strike Roll. The Grappler may release the Grapple at will and could perform a regular Strike or Maneuver against the Grappled elohim, taking advantage of the halved Guard. If doing this, the Grapple is released after rolling that Strike even if another 12 Effect is triggered in the Strike.
If the Grappler has at least 40 greater Might than the Grappled elohim, the Grappler can Strike other Targets, has only -2 Guard, and can Move as if in Defensive Stance. The Grappler could potentially Grapple a 2nd Target, however, the Grappler's Might will then be split evenly between both Grappled elohim.
With at least 80 greater Might, the Grappler suffers no penalties to Guard or Moving. They may also choose to Strike another Target using the Grappled elohim as a weapon. While doing so, the elohim may not Grapple another Target. The 12 Effect and Passion Effect both become Falter:1. The Force for the Strike will be increased using this formula:
3 + (Greater Endurance/10) - (Lower Endurance/10) = additional Force per Hit
The Grappled elohim will also take damage to Endurance:
3 + (Greater Endurance/10) - (Lower Endurance/10) = Force per Hit
Hits (regardless of Stops) = number of Hits
The minimum for both of these calculations is 3 Force.
Pushing Through
Requires a successful (Might + Endurance)/2 Check with a -1 Difficulty, made vs. the pushed elohim's (Might + Endurance)/2
As stated earlier, elohim occupy space in the spiritual realm and cannot simply pass through one another. Tier:1 elohim take up 0.75” from their center. With each increase in Tier, the elohim takes up an additional 0.25" from their center, with Tier:4 elohim taking up 1.75" from their center. (Tier:0 Unclean Spirits only take up 0.5” from their center.) When an elohim is in Defensive Stance, the amount of space they take up is increased by 0.5” from center. If an elohim wishes to push through the space that another elohim is occupying, they must make a successful (Might + Endurance)/2 Check with -1 Difficulty, made vs. the other elohim’s (Might + Endurance)/2. If successful, the other elohim is pushed aside. Natural Endurance is used for this calculation, not Current Endurance.
Carrying Another
Must have Might equal to or greater than carried elohim's Endurance
both have half Guard and all Movement distances are halved
with 40 more Might than carried elohim's natural Endurance, only -2 Guard
with 80 more Might than carried elohim's natural Endurance, no penalties
An elohim may carry other willing elohim, but must have at least as much Might as the maximum Endurance of the carried character. The carrying elohim has half Guard and can only travel half distance when Moving similar to being in Defensive Stance (which the elohim cannot assume while carrying others). If the elohim has at least 40 greater Might, the Guard penalty is lessened for the elohim to -2 Guard. If the elohim has at least 80 greater Might, the elohim suffers no reduction in Guard and may Move about freely while carrying the elohim with them.