Social Interactions Targeting Humans
Results of Social Interactions with Humans
7-11 Passes = Superb Success; strong reaction
+3 Acquiescence
3-6 Passes = Success; moderate reaction
+1 Acquiescence
1-2 Passes = Minor Success; a minor reaction
0 Acquiescence
0 Passes-2 Fails = Failure; no reaction
0 Acquiescence
3 or more Fails = Supreme Failure; moderate opposing reaction
-1 Acquiescence
Target shuts down to further holy/unholy influence attempts (whichever the allegiance of the character making the Supreme Failure) for 1 Cycle (or longer at Host's discretion)
1 more Acquiescence is gained for each uncanceled 12 (only if there are uncanceled Passes)
Results are also affected by the human's current Acquiescence level.
Attempts to influence a human are also affected by the circumstance:
- Influencing across Realms - Spiritual to Material
- Influencing while Concealing Your Glory
- Influencing while Revealed Normally
- Influencing while Expressing Your Glory
- Influencing with a Spiritual Effect or Song
- Humans Influencing Each Other
Influencing across Realms - Spiritual to Material
The most common way elohim will influence humans is unseen from the spiritual realm. These kind of Interactions are not direct and can involve the human hearing words in their mind or feeling presences, sensations, nudges, or inclinations.
must be in Melee Range
human Composures are applied
Area Influence gives 1 Adjustment per level toward the prevailing Influence
Elohim interacting with humans across realms must be within Melee Range of the human. In these cases, the human is generally unaware of the elohims presence and/or involvement and so the human's Composures will be applied, even if the influence would be welcomed. Area Influence is applied to these kind of Interactions, giving 1 Adjustment per level in favor the the prevailing Influence.
Influencing while Concealing Your Glory
Sometimes elohim will try to influence a human while appearing to them, but with their Glory Concealed and appearing as another human or animal. These Interactions will generally be more direct, but will not benefit from the elohim's status as a divine being.
Range is applied
welcomed Interactions may forgo human Composures
Area Influence gives 1 Adjustment per level toward the prevailing Influence
Concealed Magnitude is not considered
When interacting in this way, Range is considered, the same as in an Interaction with another elohim. If the Interaction would be a welcomed one, the human's Composure may be ignored, the same as with a welcomed Interaction between elohim.
Area Influence is considered, but remember to exclude the Magnitude of any elohim who are Concealed. Area Influence gives 1 Adjustment per level in favor of prevailing Influence.
Influencing while Revealed Normally
There are times where elohim will reveal themselves as divine beings to a human, but will not be going so far as Expressing their Glory. Expressing your Glory could be too distracting or coercive, or may just be more that the situation calls for.
Range is applied
welcomed Interactions may forgo human Composures
Area Influence gives 1 Adjustment per level toward the prevailing Influence
the elohim's Magnitude is considered for Area Influence
the elohim will gain Boon:1 due to the divine quality of the elohim
While interacting in this way, Range is considered, the same as in an Interaction with another elohim. If the Interaction would be a welcomed one, the human's Composure may be ignored, the same as with a welcomed Interaction between elohim.
Area Influence is considered and gives 1 Adjustment per level in favor of prevailing Influence. The character will gain a Boon:1 due to the impressiveness of their divine presence. This makes the character more influential, but does not guarantee success as the human may be dubious of the spirit or may even believe they are hallucinating.
Influencing while Expressing Your Glory
When the situation calls is appropriate, an elohim can not only appear directly to a human, but can also Express their Glory, letting the human feel the full weight of their angelic presence.
Range is applied
welcomed Interactions may forgo human Composures
Area Influence gives 1 Adjustment per level toward the prevailing Influence
the elohim's Magnitude is considered for Area Influence
the elohim will gain Boon:2 due to the divine quality of the elohim
Expressing you Glory gives Adjustments equal to the elohim's Magnitude
While interacting in this way, Range is considered, the same as in an Interaction with another elohim. If the Interaction would be a welcomed one, the human's Composure may be ignored, the same as with a welcomed Interaction between elohim.
Area Influence is considered and gives 1 Adjustment per level in favor of prevailing Influence. The character will gain a Boon:2 due to the impressiveness of their divine presence combined with the impact of the elohim's Expressed Glory. Additionally, the elohim will gain An elohim Expressing their Glory is a forceful and frankly scary thing for a flesh and blood mortal being. The character will be more influential, but success is not guaranteed. This bold move could even prevent success if the human reacts by freezing in fear, loosing consciousness, or doubting their clarity/sanity during the encounter. They may not be able to process what is said or done by the character because of their body's or psyche's involuntary reactions.
Influencing with a Spiritual Effect or Song
Ministering Spirits and Minstrels will sometimes incorporate their special abilities to enhance their own or their allies' attempts to influence humans. Spiritual Effects and Songs can be manifest into the material realm in a variety of creative ways. There are limits to the creative use of such abilities, however, and the Host has the final say on when creativity may be stretching too far for the intent to actually play out.
How creative use of Spiritual Effects and Songs enhance (or hinder) Social Interactions with humans depends greatly on the specifics of each situation. Most frequently it will be Adjustments one way or the other or a Boon or Bane being applied. The Host is encouraged to be creative themselves, however, and surprise the players.
Humans Influencing Each Other
A Host may have situations were they are dealing humans influencing each other. Humans have Social Attributes separated into motive specific Skills and Composures (Excite, Soothe/Subdue, Affirm/Aim) just the same as an elohim character. Humans will always be non-player characters, or NPCs. As such the Host can roll openly as normal, or is free to decide their Interactions without rolls or with hidden rolls. Whatever is best for the situation.
The Host can decide whether to treat other human's Interactions as Holy or Unholy depending on the details of the Interaction and may apply any appropriate Adjustments from Area Influence. Also, a human may be especially vulnerable or resistant to influence by certain other humans.