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Social Interactions Involving Humans

Social Interactions that involve humans as the Target will be affected by some additional considerations called Personal Qualities that add extra nuance and uniqueness to each human. They account for details such as the Target's spiritual discipline, their openness, and how grounded they are in the truth.

When elohim attempt to influence humans, Area Influence also comes into play. Adjustments are added or subtracted equal to the Area Influence level relative to the allegiance of the elohim. Each level of Holy Area Influence adds an Adjustment to a holy elohim's Interactions, while each level of Unholy Area Influence subtracts an Adjustment from a holy elohim's Interactions. The reverse is true for unholy elohim.

In the event that an elohim is able to reveal themselves to influence a human directly, Adjustments for Magnitude apply instead of Area Influence, the same as in an Interaction with another elohim. The human is treated as having -0 Magnitude.

A Host may have situations were they are dealing humans influencing each other. Humans have Social Attributes separated into motive specific Skills and Composures (Excite, Soothe/Subdue, Affirm/Aim) just the same as an elohim character. Humans will always be non-player characters, or NPCs. As such the Host is free to simulate or decide their interactions without rolls or with hidden rolls. Whatever is best for the situation.

For the purpose of Objectives and persuasion, Acquiescence is too narrow of a term. Sometimes the human may willingly accept the guidance. When the influence would be agreeable to the human, replace the term Acquiescence with Agreeance.

Results of Social Interactions with Humans

  • 7-11 Passes = Superb Success; strong reaction
    • +3 Acquiescence/Agreeance
  • 3-6 Passes = Success; moderate reaction
    • +1 Acquiescence/Agreeance
  • 1-2 Passes = Minor Success; a minor reaction
    • 0 Acquiescence/Agreeance
  • 0 Passes-2 Fails = Failure; Absence of any Reaction
    • 0 Acquiescence/Agreeance
  • 3 or more Fails = Superb Failure; moderate opposing reaction
    • Target will shut down to further influence attempts for the time being