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Goat Family (Corruption of the Sheep Family)







Goat for Azazel


Goat for Azazel


Goat for Azazel

of Wrath


Goat Call

Cursed Goat Call

Corrupt Goat Call

Goat for Azazel

Goat for Azazel manifests a goat that appears within Melee Range of the Minstrel. This goat is a manifestation embodying human sin in refusing their need of the Most High, their Creator. The goat is always considered Exposed, always has Normal Status, and has 0 in every Attribute except Endurance and Speed. Its Endurance is equal to 40 times the SPP invested and it takes all WearE for allies within 7” of the goat. Once the goat’s Current Endurance reaches 0, the goat dissipates, all remaining WearE is dealt to the original recipient, and the Song ends.

The goat's Speed is 7 and it Moves after the Minstrel's first Activation each Cycle. It Moves as if in Defensive Stance. If there is active War, it wanders toward the nearest unholy elohim until it reaches a Range of 7” from the singing Minstrel or is within Melee Range of an enemy. If the Minstrel Moves away from the goat, the goat will not Move to follow. If the Minstrel Moves beyond 12" from the goat, the goat will fade away and remanifest within Melee Range of the Minstrel. 

 Any change in SPP adjusts both the goat's Endurance and Current Endurance equally. Anything that would Wear Resolve or Passion has no effect on the goat. This Song can only be sung once during a War. 

Cursed Goat for Azazel and Corrupt Goat for Azazel can each manifest a goat with increased maximum Endurance.




Goat for Azazel





manifests a goat with (40xSPP) Endurance (max 160)

goat takes WearE for allies within 7" of the goat


Goat for Azazel


manifests a goat with (40xSPP) Endurance (max 320)

goat takes WearE for allies within 7" of the goat


Goat for Azazel


manifests a goat with (40xSPP) Endurance (max 480)

goat takes WearE for allies within 7" of the goat

Goat Call

Goat Call manifests 3 phantasmal goats that appear within Melee Range of the Minstrel. These goats are manifestations embodying human sin in lashing out against the Most High and those loyal to him. The Minstrel can guide these goats and they may each Move up to 7”. These goats may Strike opponents by passing through them. Each Strike made this way requires the use of 1 AP and adds 1 Exertion to the Minstrel. Each goat may only Strike one Target each time it Moves, but multiple goats can each Strike the same Target.

The Precision of these goats is equal to the SPP. The Force is equal to 3+SPP. Their Strikes have a 12 Effect and Passion Effect that each add 1 Exertion to the Target. The goat's Passion is considered 20 times the SPP.

Goats cannot remain manifested outside of 12” from the Minstrel. Once a goat is outside that Range, it will fade away immediately and then remanifest within Melee Range of the Minstrel at the end of the Minstrel’s next Activation. Alternatively, the Minstrel can choose at the beginning of any of their Activations to have any the goats fade out and remanifest within Melee Range of the Minstrel, ready to act.

The Minstrel may choose to have any of the goats Stand Ready to Move, but must also Stand Ready with AP for any Strikes they would make when Moving. Goat’s Strikes resemble Ranged Strikes as they are not affected by Melee Influence, do not suffer Defensive Hits, and cannot Falter from “1”s. Neither can goats be the Target of Strikes, Spiritual Effects, or Songs.

Cursed Goat Call and Corrupt Goat Call can each manifest goats with increased Precision, Force, and Passion.




Goat Call





manifests 3 goats that may Move during each of the Minstrel's Activations

Precision = SPP, Force = (3+SPP), Passion = (20xSPP)
(max Precision 4, max Force 7, max Passion 80)

12 Effect & Passion Effect = +1 Exertion to Target


Goat Call


manifests 3 goats that may Move during each of the Minstrel's Activations

Precision = SPP, Force = (3+SPP), Passion = (20xSPP)

(max Precision 8, max Force 11, max Passion 160)

12 Effect & Passion Effect = +1 Exertion to Target


Goat Call


manifests 3 goats that may Move during each of the Minstrel's Activations

Precision = SPP, Force = (3+SPP), Passion = (20xSPP)

(max Precision 12, max Force 15, max Passion 240)

12 Effect & Passion Effect = +1 Exertion to Target

Vessel of Wrath

Vessel of Wrath manifests a goat that appears within Melee Range of the Minstrel. This goat embodies open and purposeful rebellion in the face of certain judgment. All holy elohim within 12” of the goat are drawn to direct their Strikes toward this goat. Holy elohim can make one attempt to Resist this draw and the results last for the entirety of the Song. Being Struck allows holy elohim to Resist the draw for the duration of the Song. Vessel of Wrath is Resistible using Resolve.

The goat is always considered Exposed, always has Normal Status, and has 0 in every Attribute except Endurance and Speed. Its Endurance is equal to 40 times the SPP and it takes all WearE for allies within 12” of the goat. Once the goat’s Current Endurance reaches 0, the goat dissipates and all remaining WearE is dealt to the original recipient. At this point the Minstrel may immediately Restore an amount of Current Endurance, Resolve, and/or Passion totaling 12 times the SPP currently invested to the Minstrel and all their allies within 12” of themself. The Restored Attributes are divided as the receiving character chooses and may Restore those who are Defeated.

The goat's Speed is 7 and it Moves as if in Defensive Stance. It walks confidently toward the nearest holy elohim until it reaches a Range of 7” from the singing Minstrel or is within Melee Range of an enemy. If the Minstrel Moves farther away from the goat, the goat will not Move to follow. If the Minstrel Moves beyond the 12" from the goat, the goat will fade away and remanifest within Melee Range of the Minstrel. 

 Any change in SPP adjusts both Endurance and Current Endurance equally. Anything that would Wear Resolve or Passion has no effect on the goat. This Song can only be sung once per Day.




of Wrath





manifests a goat with (40xSPP) Endurance

goat takes WearE for allies within 12" of the goat

holy elohim are drawn to Strike the goat

when slain, Restores (12xSPP) total Attributes to allies

Resistible using Resolve