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Unclean Spirits


Unclean Spirits are lesser spirits that harass humans, especially the unrighteous. They are the hybrid children of rebellious watchers who violated the separation between the heavens and the earth by fornicating with human women and producing these unnatural offspring. During their life, they were giants who slayed and even fed upon humans. In an ironic twist, they are now the lowest among spirits.

Unclean Spirits have no body. They can hardly even hold a spiritual embodiment together with any consistency. They long to return to flesh and the comforts of the flesh. As such, they are the most common spirits to take part in human possession. Even still, they will push the inhabited human to self-harm and the harm of others.

Unclean Spirits cannot manifest into the material realm as a human or animal. They can appear visually, but only appear as a shadowy apparition and nothing solid. With much concentration and effort they could nudge or toss a small physical object. An Unclean Spirit concealing their glory will not appear any differently, but will be less noticeable. An Unclean Spirit expressing their glory will only have an effect on a human or animal, but do not have sufficient glory to affect another non-Defeated elohim.

Unclean Spirits are still quite confident among mortals, but quickly cower in the presence of greater majesty. They will fight holy watchers when supported by a group, but will flee or surrender as soon as they perceive there is no hope of a positive outcome.