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Bestial Mutations

More powerful bestial elohim include features of other creatures as well, mixing the symbolism and displaying their progressive vileness. Ziz, Behemoth, and Leviathan do not gain mutations from other bestial elohim, but instead increase in wickedness of their own imagery.

One Mutation is gained upon becoming a higher Tier beginning when progressing to 2nd Domain. That means no bestial elohim will have more than 3 Mutations: 1 at 2nd Domain, 1 at 3rd Domain, and 1 when becoming a Beast.  

These are the varieties of possible mutations:

Butting Horns (Goat Mutation)

Fat Blind Eyes (Pig Mutation)
Keen Eyes (Bird of Prey Mutation)
Plentiful Eyes (Spider Mutation)

Devouring Mandibles (Locust Mutation)
Howling Muzzle (Wolf Mutation)
Lashing Tongue (Frog Mutation)
Rending Jaws (Wolf Mutation)
Toothy Maw (Jackal Mutation)

Gluttonous Body (Bear Mutation)
Goat Skin (Goat Mutation)
Leathery Skin (Frog Mutation)
Lean Body (Jackal Mutation)
Meaty Body (Pig Mutation)
Stealthy Body (Leopard Mutation)

Cobra Fans (Serpent Mutation)
Membranous Wings (Locust Mutation)
Soaring Wings (Bird of Prey Mutation)

Crushing Claw (Scorpion Mutation)
Hairy Legs (Spider Mutation)
Meaty Paws (Bear Mutation)
Pouncing Paws (Leopard Mutation)

Serpent-Head Tail (Serpent Mutation)
Stinging Tail (Scorpion Mutation)

No bestial elohim will gain a Mutation from their own bestial variety. For example, a Bird of Prey will not gain Keen Eyes or Soaring Wings as one of their Mutations. As a general statement, no Mutations of the same category with happen either; but there are a few exceptions to this statement. So, using eyes as an example again, the same bestial elohim would not gain both Keen Eyes and Plentiful Eyes. The exceptions to this are Lashing Tongue, Crushing Claw, Hairy Legs, and all Wing Mutations. These can coexist with another Mutation of the same category and in fact, a Beast could potentially have all 3 Wing Mutations.

Each Mutation might increases certain Attributes or add special weapons, Maneuvers, Spiritual Effects, Songs, or some other benefits. Attribute Increases are treated in increases to the Natural value

Mutation Details (alphabetically)

Butting Horns

  • Associated Beast: Goat
  • Head Mutation
  • +35 Passion
  • may sing Cursed Goat Call

Cobra Fans

  • Associated Beast: Serpent
  • Wing Mutation
    • all Wing Mutations can be applied together
  • +42 Swiftness
  • gain Swift Strike Maneuver at Mastery Level 3 (see Serpent)

Crushing Claw

  • Associated Beast: Scorpion
  • Limb Mutation 
    • affects left arm or left front limb
    • can be applied together with other Limb Mutations
  • +3 Guard
  • gain weapon: Claw (see Scorpion)
    • if applied to a Constrictor Serpent, allows Grappling an additional maximum Target
  • gain Shielded Defense Maneuver at Mastery Level 3 (see Scorpion)

Devouring Mandibles

  • Associated Beast: Locust
  • Mouth Mutation
  • +42 Might
  • +14 Swiftness
  • gain weapon: Toxic Spit (see Locust)
  • mouth weapons gain additional 12 = Poison:4 (1/Strike) & Passion Effect = P:2
  • if no mouth weapon, gain weapon: Toxic Bite instead (see Locust)

Fat Blind Eyes

  • Associated Beast: Pig
  • Eye Mutation
  • +35 Resolve
  • -4 to Perceive
  • +1 to all Social Composures
  • can use Defiled Entrench

Gluttonous Body

  • Associated Beast: Bear
  • Torso Mutation
  • +63 Endurance
  • gain Gluttonous Hunger ability (see Bear)

Goat Skin

  • Associated Beast: Goat
  • Torso Mutation
  • +35 Resolve
  • can use Coerce and Defiled Coerce

Hairy Legs

Howling Muzzle

Keen Eyes

  • Associated Beast: Bird of Prey
  • Eye Mutation
  • +28 Control
  • +8 Adjustments to Perceive
  • No Range Penalties to Perceive (Host determines max distance that can be Perceived situationally)
  • No Penalty for Perceiving those whose Glory is Concealed 

Lashing Tongue

  • Associated Beast: Frog
  • Mouth Mutation
    • can be applied together with other Limb Mutations
  • +3 to Affirm/Aim Skill
  • gains weapon: Lashing Tongue (see Frog)
  • may sing Cursed Trepidation

Leathery Skin

  • Associated Beast: Frog
  • Torso Mutation
  • +28 Endurance
  • +14 Resolve
  • +4 Adjustments vs. being Perceived
  • +1 Adjustment to Resist Checks

Lean Body

  • Associated Beast: Jackal
  • Torso Mutation
  • +42 Swiftness
  • +35 Passion
  • may break Defensive Stance at any time

Meaty Body

  • Associated Beast: Pig
  • Torso Mutation
  • +35 Endurance
  • can use Defiled Stubbornness

Meaty Paws

  • Associated Beast: Bear
  • Limb Mutation
    • combines with Claws on a Scorpion
  • +6 Force
  • adds an additional 12 Effect to Melee limb weapons

    • "12 = Falter:2 (1/Strike)" 

  • adds an additional Passion Effect to Melee limb weapons
    • "1 Exertion/Tier of Target"
  • if Frog, Locust, Serpent (constrictor), Serpent (venomous), or Spider, also adds Paws weapon (see Bear, same as Claws & Bite)

Membranous Wings

  • Associated Beast: Locust
  • Wing Mutation
  • +35 Swiftness
  • may sing Cursed Tempest
    • uses Wings for this Song
    • Gagging does not prevent use of this Song
    • Bound and Grappled do prevent use of this Song

Plentiful Eyes

Pouncing Paws

  • Associated Beast: Leopard
  • Limb Mutation
    • does not affect Claws on a Scorpion
  • +42 Swiftness

  • gains Charge Maneuver at Mastery Level 3

    • if Bear, instead add Lunge Maneuver at Mastery Level 3

Rending Jaws

  • Associated Beast: Wolf
  • Mouth Mutation
  • +21 Might

  • gains Voracious Bite Maneuver at Mastery Level 3 (see Wolf)

  • adds an additional 12 Effect to Melee mouth weapons

    • "12 = +7 Wear/Tier of the Target (1/Strike)

  • adds an additional Passion Effect to Melee mouth weapons
    • "+1/10th Wear"
  • if Frog or Scorpion, also adds a Jaws weapon (see Wolf, same as Jaws & Claws)

Serpent-Head Tail

  • Associated Beast: Serpent (venomous)
  • Mouth Mutation
  • +28 Swiftness
  • +4 Precision
  • adds a Toxic Bite weapon (see Serpent-venomous)

Soaring Wings

  • Associated Beast: Bird of Prey
  • Wing Mutation
  • +42 Control

  • Move at x1.5 distance

Stealthy Body

  • Associated Beast: Leopard
  • Torso Mutation
  • +8 vs. being Perceived

  • gains Launching Strike Maneuver at Mastery Level 3

Stinging Tail

  • Associated Beast: Scorpion
  • Tail Mutation
  • +14 Resolve
  • adds Tail Sting weapon (see Scorpion)
  • gains Stinger Strike Maneuver at Mastery Level 3

Stinger Strike (2 AP)

Stinger Strike (Tail only) is a Strike for 2 Action Points that adds additional Passion for determining Passion Effects. At Mastery Level 4, the Passion Effect can trigger up to 4 times. At Mastery Level 5, the Passion Effect can trigger up to 5 times.

Mastery Level 1

+24 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 2

+48 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 3 

+72 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 4

+96 Passion for determining Passion Effects
Passion Effect can trigger up to 4 times

Mastery Level 5

+120 Passion for determining Passion Effects
Passion Effect can trigger up to 5 times

Toothy Maw

  • Associated Beast: Jackal
  • Mouth Mutation
  • gains Nip Maneuver at Mastery Level 3 (see Jackal)
  • may sing Cursed Wail