Howl Family (Corruption of the Cry Family)
Progression |
Tier:1 |
Tier:2 |
Tier:3 |
Tier:4 |
1 |
Cursed |
Corrupt |
2 |
Cursed Outburst |
Corrupt Outburst |
3 |
Cursed Wail | Corrupt Wail |
Ravenous Howl
Ravenous Howl excites all unholy elohim who hear it, increasing their Passion for 2 Cycles. Also, when 4 SPP is invested by the Minstrel, affected allies’ Strikes gain 1 level of Passion Effect, regardless of the Target's Resolve, and the maximum Passion Effect levels are increased by 1. Additional maximum Passion Effect levels trigger at 40 Passion more than the previous level required (i.e. 120 more Passion, 160 more Passion, etc.)
Cursed Ravenous Howl grants another maximum Passion Effect level if the Minstrel is investing at least 8 SPP. Corrupt Ravenous Howl grants a third maximum Passion Effect level if the Minstrel is investing at least 12 SPP.
[In Dry Bones and Flesh, there are no Passion Effects. Instead, affected characters gain +2, 4, or 6 Speed if at least 4, 8, or 12 SPP are invested respectively.]
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Ravenous |
Affecting Immediate Boosting |
21 |
adds 7 Passion for each Level of Effect (max 3 LoE) to all unholy elohim if 4 SPP invested, +1 Passion Effect & maximum Passion Effect |
Cursed |
40 |
adds 7 Passion for each Level of Effect (max 7 LoE) to all unholy elohim if 4 SPP invested, +1 Passion Effect & maximum Passion Effect if 8 SPP invested, +1 more maximum Passion Effect level |
Corrupt Ravenous |
80 |
adds 7 Passion for each Level of Effect (max 12 LoE) to all unholy elohim if 4 SPP invested, +1 Passion Effect & maximum Passion Effect if 8 SPP invested, +1 more maximum Passion Effect level if 12 SPP invested, +1 more maximum Passion Effect level |
Outburst is a cry of distress that manifests a wave of force that Knocks Back all holy elohim. The distance Knocked Back is reduced by 1” for every 1” the character is from the Minstrel. This Song is Resistible using Resolve.
Cursed Outburst also adds 1 Difficulty to the Control Check vs. Falter. Corrupt Outburst adds 2 Difficulty to the Control Check vs. Falter.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Outburst |
Manifesting Immediate Resistible |
21 |
Knocks Back all holy elohim 12”(4”) -1" for every 1" away from Minstrel Resisted using Resolve |
Cursed Outburst |
40 |
Knocks Back all holy elohim 12”(4”) -1" for every 1" away from Minstrel +2 Difficulty to Control Check vs. Falter Resisted using Resolve |
Corrupt Outburst |
80 |
Knocks Back all holy elohim 12”(4”) -1" for every 1" away from Minstrel +4 Difficulty to Control Check vs. Falter Resisted using Resolve |
Wail is a forceful cry that damages the Passion of all holy elohim who hear it. It inflicts 18(6) damage to Passion and negates all Increases to Passion for 2 Cycles if not fully Resisted. This Song is Resistible using Resolve.
Wail negates Increases before its damage is applied.
Cursed Wail inflicts 27(9) Passion damage. Corrupt Wail inflicts 36(12) Passion damage.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Wail |
Affecting Immediate Damaging |
40 |
-18(6) Passion to all holy elohim negates Passion Increases Resisted using Resolve |
Cursed Wail |
80 |
-27(9) Passion to all holy elohim negates Passion Increases Resisted using Resolve |
Corrupt Wail |
120 |
-36(12) Passion to all holy elohim negates Passion Increases Resisted using Resolve |
Vengeful Eruption
Vengeful Eruption is a cry that sends forth a manifested shockwave from the Minstrel. This wave causes all holy elohim to become Exposed until they can recover from Faltering for 1 Cycle. This Song is Resistible using Resolve. Add 1 Adjustment to the Resist Check in favor of the Minstrel for every 50 damage the Minstrel currently has to Endurance. Up to Tier:2 characters that Resist still Falter half their Action Points each Turn (but are not Exposed). Tier:4 characters Resist with “8”s and above counting as Passes.
Class |
Complexity |
Effect |
Vengeful |
Manifesting Immediate Resistible |
144 |
Causes holy elohim to Falter:1 Cycle and become Exposed Resisted using Resolve +1 Difficulty to Resist for every 50 Endurance damage on Minstrel up to Tier:2 that Resist still Falter half their AP each Turn Tier:4 counts "8"s as Successes when Resisting |