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Bird of Prey

Bird.jpgRepresents: Swift Aggression; Destructive Superiority; Arrogance

Birds of Prey fly high, observing with their extra keen perception. They see most everything and are arrogant in their knowledge. They generally feel superior to others and will often readily attack those who disagree with them, whether verbally or through violence. Birds of Prey move quickly and use very fast diving attacks with their talons from above, making the enemy more vulnerable.

Special Abilities

Situational Awareness with the added benefits of Clear Vision gives Birds of Prey 19 to Perceive and 7 vs. Perceive. Birds of Prey also receive no penalties to Perceive for Concealed Glory. Also when they are flying high (relative to the terrain), they have no penalties for Range to Perceive.







Bird of Prey

19 to Perceive and
7 vs. Perceive

22 to Perceive and
10 vs. Perceive

25 to Perceive and
13 vs. Perceive

28 to Perceive and
16 vs. Perceive

Trained Eye lets Birds of Prey choose a Target to watch. The Bird of Prey must pass a Perceive Interaction vs. the Target (with a Difficulty of 0) and will then have certain benefits against the Target. The Bird of Prey ignores any Guard the Target gains from Defensive Stance. The Bird of Prey also gains 1 Adjustment in their favor vs. any Strike made by the Target or when making Check Rolls and Resist Checks vs. the Target. 

The Bird of Prey may attempt to establish Trained Eye only once per Turn. The Bird of Prey may drop the current Target to attempt to watch a new Target. If the Bird of Prey loses line of sight with the Target for an extended time, Trained Eye may be lost.

Trained Eye





Bird of Prey

1 Defensive Adjustment and 

ignore Guard from Defensive

Stance on 1 Perceived Target

2 Defensive


2 Perceived


3 Defensive


Birds of Prey can use Agile Maneuvering to cover 1.5 times the normal distance when Moving.

Dry Bones, Birds of Prey can recognize elohim who have Concealed their Glory with Clear Vision and Agile Maneuvering is in effect. No other Special Abilities are in effect. Keen Perceptive observance should be applied narratively.]


Birds of Prey use sharp talons and powerful beaks for their Strikes. These are swift and piercing like a sword.



Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 

Talons & Beak

Melee 12 = +1 Action Point (1/Strike, 2/Turn) +10% damage


Birds of Prey can swoop in from above to Strike their enemies leaving them more vulnerable.

Dive  (3 AP)

Dive allows the Bird of Prey to Move a greater distance while Striking, generally toward a Target. The Target’s Guard is reduced by 2 for this Strike. The Bird of Prey must begin the Strike elevated above the Target. After Mastery Level 4, The Bird may spend 1 Action Point immediately following this Strike to Rend causing 40% of the damage inflicted by the Dive. Damage from Rend is not affected by other modifiers. Rending adds 1 Exertion to the Bird. At Mastery Level 5, the Defender has -4 Guard.

The Bird of Prey has Dive at Mastery Level 2 as a Tier:1. Mastery Level 3 at Tier:2. Mastery Level 4 at Tier:3. Mastery Level 5 upon becoming a Bird Beast.

For Flesh, there is no Exertion.]

Mastery Level 1

Move 3" with this Strike

-2 Guard for Defender

Mastery Level 2

Move 3"-4" with this Strike

-2 Guard for Defender

Mastery Level 3 

Move 3"-5" with this Strike

-2 Guard for Defender

Mastery Level 4

Move 3"-6" with this Strike

-2 Guard for Defender

1 AP to Rend

Mastery Level 5

Move 3"-7" with this Strike

-4 Guard for Defender

1 AP to Rend

Dry Bones, there are no Maneuvers.]


Birds of Prey are treated as Messengers and also have exceptional Control, receiving an additional 21 at 1st Domain, this increases to 40 at 2nd Domain, 80 at 3rd Domain, and 144 once becoming a Bird Beast.

Size and Mutations

Birds of Prey fit the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim. However, the height is of course skewed when not standing upright. Also, like all bestial elohim, Birds will gain varying Mutations when increasing in Tier.

The example below shows a sampling of Birds increasing from 1st Domain to Bird Beast. In this instance, the Mutations gained in order are: Lean Body, Plentiful Eyes, and [removed from game].
