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scorpion.jpgRepresents: Pain and Suffering
Scorpions revel in causing pain and suffering. This can be physical pain, sickness, or crippling; or it can be mental anguish. All suffering tastes just as sweet to the Scorpion. Their sting can inflict Poison, which can lead to weakness and fatigue. Their Claws can grapple and crush, inflicting intense pain. Scorpions are very well defended, hearty, and swifter than you might think. During conflict, many Scorpions will take a defensive posture when engaged, watching for opportunities to grapple and poison their foe.

Special Abilities

When using a known Maneuver, Martial Mastery grants the Scorpion a bonus to Precision (or Guard, whichever is applicable) equal to the Mastery Level of the Maneuver. 

While in Defensive Stance, Martial Mobility allows the Scorpion to Move 2” each Activation unaffected by the penalties of Defensive Stance. This 2" is extended or reduced by other effects that extend or reduce distances travelled, such as the Songs Winds of Heaven and Tempest.

Strength in Struggle reflects the Scorpion's toughness by reducing Wear related to Strikes received by 20%. Wear related to Strikes dealt by a Scorpion is increased by 20%.

At 2nd Domain, the Scorpion also gains +1 to all Resist Checks. This increases to +2 at 3rd Domain and +3 once becoming a Scorpion Beast.

Weapon Effects

Scorpions most often poke at their enemy while shielding themselves with their claws, waiting for an opening to Grapple their foe with their powerful claws and then poison them with their tail sting.

Weapon Effect 

Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 


12 = may Grapple 

+2 Exertion to Target

Tail Sting

2 Action Point Strikes; 12 = Poison:4 (1/Strike)


The Scorpion does not have to release a Grappled Target after performing a regular Strike or Maneuver. Further, the Scorpion can Grapple a 2nd Target if their Might allows for them to Strike other Targets. If Grappling a 2nd Target, the Scorpion's Might is then split evenly between the Grappled


Scorpions can swing their massive claws in a Claw Smash to stagger their opponents. They can Seize staggered opponents, bypassing their defenses through their disadvantage. Finally, they can passionately Skewer Grappled opponents with their venomous Tail Sting causing Poison. At 1st Domain the Scorpion has these at a Mastery Level of 2. This increases to Mastery 3 at 2nd Domain, Mastery 4 at 3rd Domain, and Mastery 5 upon becoming a Scorpion Beast.

Seize (3 AP)

Seize (Claw only) is a Strike that ignores an amount of Guard provided by Defensive Stance, Parry, and Grand Parry. Seize also allows the Scorpion to ignore a single 1 in order to Grapple. At Mastery Level 4 the Scorpion can also count a single 11 as a 12 in order to Grapple.

Seize can still be used while the Target is not benefitting from any of the Guard boosting effects. 

Mastery Level 1

ignores 1 Guard from Defensive Stance, Parry, & Grand Parry
can ignore a single 1 to Grapple

Mastery Level 2

ignores 3 Guard from Defensive Stance, Parry, & Grand Parry
can ignore a single 1 to Grapple

Mastery Level 3 

ignores 5 Guard from Defensive Stance, Parry, & Grand Parry
can ignore a single 1 to Grapple

Mastery Level 4

ignores 7 Guard from Defensive Stance, Parry, & Grand Parry
can ignore a single 1 and treat one 11 as a 12 to Grapple

Mastery Level 5

ignores 10 Guard from Defensive Stance, Parry, & Grand Parry
can ignore a single 1 and treat one 11 as a 12 to Grapple

Skewer (2 AP)

Skewer (Tail only) is a 2 Action Point Strike vs. a Grappled Target. The Scorpion gains additional Passion for the Strike, excited by the vulnerability of their enemy. At Mastery Level 4, the Passion Effect can trigger up to 4 times. At Mastery Level 5, the Passion Effect can trigger up to 5 times.

Mastery Level 1

+24 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 2

+48 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 3 

+72 Passion for determining Passion Effects

Mastery Level 4

+96 Passion for determining Passion Effects
Passion Effect can trigger up to 4 times

Mastery Level 5

+120 Passion for determining Passion Effects
Passion Effect can trigger up to 5 times

Shielded Defense (1 AP)

Shielded Defense gives additional Guard vs. incoming Strikes until the elohim's next Activation. More Guard is gained against Ranged Strikes. The elohim must use 1 Action Point and adds no Exertion. The elohim only receives the Guard bonus vs. Strikes within 180°. At Mastery Level 4, the arc is increased to 270°.

The arc is chosen when using the Maneuver, but it is possible to Stand Ready to use Shielded Defense, thereby getting to choose what arc to protect at a more tactical moment. This Maneuver is not a Strike and so does not cost additional Action Points to use while in Defensive Stance.

Mastery Level 1

+1 Guard vs. Melee Strikes within 180° arc
+4 Guard vs. Ranged Strikes within 180° arc

Mastery Level 2

+2 Guard vs. Melee Strikes within 180° arc
+7 Guard vs. Ranged Strikes within 180° arc

Mastery Level 3

+3 Guard vs. Melee Strikes within 180° arc

+10 Guard vs. Ranged Strikes within 180° arc

Mastery Level 4

+5 Guard vs. Melee Strikes within 270° arc

+13 Guard vs. Ranged Strikes within 270° arc

Mastery Level 5

+7 Guard vs. Melee Strikes within 270° arc

+18 additional Guard vs. Ranged Strikes within 270° arc


Scorpions are treated as Warriors and also have improved Swiftness and Resolve, receiving an additional 7 at 1st Domain, this increases to 21 at 2nd Domain, 40 at 3rd Domain, and 80 once becoming a Scorpion Beast.

Scorpions also are very defensive and have additional Guard gaining an additional 3 at 1st Domain, this increases to 4 at 2nd Domain, 5 at 3rd Domain, and once becoming a Scorpion Beast each "1" in Strike Rolls against the Scorpion will negate up to two "12"s.

Size and Mutations

Scorpions fit the standard rules of Occupying Space for elohim. However, the height is of course skewed when not standing upright. Also, like all bestial elohim, Scorpions will gain varying Mutations when increasing in Tier.

The example below shows a sampling of Scorpions increasing from 1st Domain to Scorpion Beast. In this instance, the Mutations gained in order are: Gluttonous Body, Toothy Maw, and Membranous Wings.
