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Instrument Family







Swinging Censer


Swinging Censer


Swinging Censer

Bowl of Wrath


Ready Sword


Ready Sword


Laying on Hands

Swinging Censer

Swinging Censer manifests a censer in the Ministering Spirit’s off hand. At the end of each of the Ministering Spirit’s Turns, the Ministering Spirit may spend 1 Action Point adding 1 Exertion to throw the censer at a location within 7” of the Ministering Spirit. When it strikes the Target location, lightning strikes the spot and there is a quake causing unholy elohim within 3” to Falter:6(2).  The Falter is Resistible using Control compared to the Spiritual Effect's Allotment of 40. Once the Censer is thrown, the Ministering Spirit must spend 1 AP to manifest a new one.

Swinging Censer prevents use of other Items, weapons, and shields in the off hand and temporarily replaces any Item currently held in that hand. This also prevents Fighting Styles from being employed, so only General and Ranged Maneuvers can be used if the Ministering Spirit has the ability to use any Maneuvers.

Sanctified Swinging Censer affects out to 5" from the Target location, but is easier to Resist from farther away. Holy Swinging Censer affects out to 7" from the Target location, but is easier to Resist from farther away.




Swinging Censer






manifests a censer hurling coals at Mid-Range

Falter:6(2) to all unholy elohim within 3" of Target location

Resisted using Control


Swinging Censer


manifests a censer hurling coals at Mid-Range

Falter:6(2) to all unholy elohim within 5" of Target location

+1 Adjustment to Resist beyond 3" of Target location

Resisted using Control


Swinging Censer


manifests a censer hurling coals at Mid-Range for

Falter:6(2) to all unholy elohim within 7" of Target location

+1 Adjustment to Resist beyond 3" of Target location

Resisted using Control

Ready Sword

Ready Sword allows the Ministering Spirit to manifest a flaming sword floating in the air above a location targeted by the Ministering Spirit within 3” of them when initiating the Spiritual Effect. This sword may rush to Strike any unholy elohim immediately as they enter an area of 7” from the Target location or begin an Turn within that area. After Striking, it will return its previous position. The Ministering Spirit gains 1 Exertion for each Strike performed.

The sword causes WearE and also causes Falter as a reaction to the the flames. The sword has 3 Precision and 3 Force. It causes Falter:1 for each Hit, regardless of Stops, and has a 12 Effect that causes Falter:1. At the end of each of their Turns, the Ministering Spirit may move the sword's resting location by up to 3”.

This Spiritual Effect can be maintained out to 12” from the Ministering Spirit. If the Ministering Spirit leaves 12" from the sword's resting location, the Spiritual Effect is ended. The sword’s Strikes are treated as Ranged Strikes and the sword cannot be the Target of Strikes, Spiritual Effects, and Songs.

Sanctified Ready Sword manifests a sword with 7 Precision and 7 Force. Holy Ready Sword manifests a sword with 12 Precision and 12 Force.




Ready Sword






manifests a flaming sword that defends an area

Sword has 3 Precision, 3 Force, & causes Falter


Ready Sword


manifests a flaming sword that defends an area

Sword has 7 Precision, 7 Force & causes Falter


Ready Sword


manifests a flaming sword that defends an area

Sword has 12 Precision, 12 Force & causes Falter

Bowl of Wrath

Bowl of Wrath manifests a large bowl in the Ministering Spirit’s hands temporarily replacing any items or weapons. The contents of the bowl represent the prayers of persecuted, righteous humans who have cried out to the Most High for justice. The Ministering Spirit can carry the Bowl into the air and pour out the bowl’s contents onto the ground to a location directly below the Ministering Spirit. The bowl has an immense weight within and moving it is taxing, adding 1 Exertion to the Ministering Spirit for every 1" it is carried. Pouring out the bowl takes 4 Action Points and adds 4 Exertion.

Once poured out onto the ground, the earth quakes and enormous hailstones fall within the affected area. The size of this area is 1” from the Target location for every 1” the Ministering Spirit is above the location up to a maximum of 12”. All unholy elohim in the affected area Falter:1 Cycle if not fully Resisting the quake. The Falter is Resistible using Control compared to the Allotment. Those affected get +1 Adjustment to their Resist Check for every 3” they are away from the center of location. The hailstones are resolved like Strikes determining Precision using the Allotment in place of Control. The Ministering Spirit can choose up to 3 different Targets to be struck by the hailstones that damage Endurance with a Force determined using the Allotment in place of Might. 

This bowl lasts for 1 Cycle or until the contents have been poured out at which point it disappears and any objects the Ministering Spirit was holding return. The Allotment is paid until the bowl is poured out or the Ministering Spirit dismisses the bowl (ending the Spiritual Effect). If holding an Item, the Item is put away and can be automatically re-equipped when the Spiritual Effect is ended.




of Wrath






manifests a bowl to pour out from above a location

Falter:1 Cycle to all unholy elohim within the affected area

+1 Adjustment to Resist beyond 3" of Target location

hailstones Strike using Allotment for Precision & Force

Falter is Resisted using Control

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