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Guardian (Warrior Discipline)

Guardians are Warriors who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the protection of others. Sometimes they are assigned to guard a human and sometimes they are assigned to guard another elohim. In any instance where they are not assigned to guard a specific target, they are free to select whomever they wish to guard. Regardless, however, they will generally seek to guard someone else unless they have good reason not to do so.


  • Resilient

    • +1 Adjustment to Resist Checks

    • Defensive Stance gives the effects of Full Defensive Stance

    • immune to negative Melee Influence

  • Bolster Ally

    • +1 Adjustment vs. Strike and to Resist Checks (ally in Melee)

    • immune to negative Melee Influence (ally in Melee)

    • +2 Skill to Affirm Ally Interactions by the Guardian

  • Guard Ally

    • may become the Target of Melee Strikes for allies without Defensive Stance or Control Checks

    • may become the Target of Ranged Strikes for allies without being in Defensive Stance

Flesh, there is no Full Defensive Stance. There is also no Melee Influence. Instead Guardians negate the Adjustment for higher Magnitude in Melee.]


  • Single-Order Warriors only


  • may not use Axe or Bow weapons

  • may not use Two-Handed or Dual-Wielding Maneuvers

Guardians are Resilient, gaining 1 Adjustment to Resist Checks, ignoring any negative effects from Melee Influence, and benefiting from Defensive Stance as if it were Full Defensive Stance.

Guardians Bolster any allies within Melee Range of them. This gives them +1 Adjustment vs. incoming Strikes and to their Resist Checks. It also allows them to ignore any negative effects from Melee Influence. 

If a Guardian is within Melee Range of an ally and an enemy Striking that ally, they may Guard that ally by becoming the Target of the Strike instead without needing to be in Defensive Stance and without needing to pass a Control Check. Similarly, a Guardian may become the Target of Ranged Strikes for allies without having to be in Defensive Stance to do so.

While a Guardian may Bolster humans across realms, it is not usually practical for the Guardian to Guard a human. 


As a result of their focus on defense, Guardians may only employ a Shield Bearing Fighting Style and will not use Axe or Bow weapons.