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Shepherd (Warrior/Minstrel Discipline)

Shepherds are Warrior/Minstrels who concern themselves deeply with the accumulation and application of the prayers of mankind requesting the Most High's intervention. Shepherds will often be connected with a group of praying people who are ready to intercede whenever the Spirit calls upon them. These people may be a recognized group or may be only a few individuals who do not even know of one another, but they are most certainly connected by the prayerful petitions they make on behalf of themselves, people they know, and even people they do not know sometimes on the other side of the world. Shepherds wish to see these prayers bear fruit and bring forth the Most High's will upon the earth. 

Shepherds will only use a Staff and a Sling as their weapons or a unique option for the Shepherd, a combination weapon called a Staff-Sling.



Standard Effect 

Passion Effect 

Usable By 

Staff Sling


-10% damage, +1 Guard



Staff Sling


-40% damage, 12 = Falter:1




Shepherds use Songs from the Strike Family to bolster the Force of their weapons and increase the Falter caused by their Passion Effects. Shepherds also sing Songs from the Sheep Family that focus on embodying the prayers that they have helped to cultivate. 

When using a Staff Sling, a Shepherd can layer Rod of the Lord versions together with True Stones versions. This allows the Shepherd to empower both Melee and Long Ranged Strikes.

When a Shepherd sings a Song from the Sheep Family, the SPP they invest is doubled. (The doubled SPP still may not exceed the normal maximum for the Song.)

Shepherds must learn all available Songs from the Sheep and Strike Families before learning Songs from other Families. Shepherds will not choose to sing Songs from the Flame or Flash Families. Neither will they choose a Horse as an Epic Blessing.