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Seeds of Growth

Seeds of Growth represent growth potential sown into an elohim by the Most High. These Seeds do not provide immediate increase, but will provide growth in Basic Attributes once they are sprouted. Your elohim’s humble cooperation with the Most High in applying their Basic Attributes and/or learning from their failure to apply them allows these Seeds, their growth potential, to sprout. The sprouted Seed is then gone, having produced growth in that Attribute. This is covered in more detail in Sprouting Seeds.


Character Creation Notes:

Your new elohim character receives 12 Seeds of Growth. 1 Seed is assigned to your Primary Attribute and 1 Seed is assigned to your Secondary Attribute. 5 are rolled randomly. Assign the remaining 5 Seeds any way you like.

The random 5 Seeds are intended to simulate the way the Most High often chooses for us to grow in areas we may not have chosen by ourselves. To assign them, roll 5d6. Each die will represents a Seed in a Basic Attribute. Use the number rolled on that die to determine which Attribute the Seed is assigned to. 1 is Might. 2 is Swiftness. Continue down in order ending with 6 being Passion. 

Fill out your Multipliers on your Character sheet as well by referencing this page.

Click here for an example

Behind the Lore Topics: