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Armor & Clothing

Armor and clothing are purely symbolic in Allies of Majesty. Similar to how weapons carry various symbolic meanings in ancient scriptural imagery, so does attire. Simply wearing armor is its own symbolism, implying that the figure is prepared for war. As such, Allies of Majesty prefers to leave that expression up to the player rather than limiting this because of game balance issues by giving game effects to different types of attire. This helps keep the focus on the symbolic meaning rather than the natural qualities of, say, leather armor as compared to plate armor.

There are concrete Items that can be acquired, worn, and even lost by the characters. These are special, however, and are not standard equipment for every character, especially a starting character. 

Armor and clothing are way in which you may freely describe things about your elohim character. You could choose a ceremonial robe to show their dedication to holy service. You could choose a plain white robe, to communicate their purity or humility. You could choose a full plate mail suit to represent their commitment to a strong defense. You could even change what they appear to wear from minute to minute.

Attire is not limited by Order, though a Minstrel in plate mail might look a little out of sync with their purpose. If it is your desire, however, go for it. One thing to note is that, while not expressly prohibited, holy elohim do not usually cover their heads so as to avoid any implication of submission or belonging to any but the Most High or any inadvertent implication of vanity or shame.

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