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Introduction to Songs

Music has an effect in both the material and spiritual realms. While music’s effect in the material realm can be sometimes subtle, in the spirit realm its effects are often very powerful. Some Songs even symbolically manifest their results. Minstrels pour their Passion into Songs while using their Control to masterfully meld multiple themes into one harmonic whole. Most Songs either resonate with the Passion of a Minstrel’s allies, or seek to deflate their spirits of their foes.

Songs are grouped in Families. These Songs are related and are mastered in order of Progression, one Tier at a time. After learning all Songs in Tier:1, they can start the Progression of Tier:2, and so on. The Minstrel may not learn Songs of a higher Tier than themselves.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4


(1st Song learned)

(1st Tier 2 Song) (1st Tier 3 Song) (Only Tier 4)


(2nd Song learned) (2nd Tier 2 Song) (2nd Tier 3 Song)


(continue until Tier 1 completed) (complete Tier 2) (complete Tier 3)

Below is a Key for interpreting some of the information contained in the Song Family Tables: 

Tier is both the level of effectiveness the Song produces and the Tier the Minstrel must be to learn the Song. 

Class categories identify details about how the Song works.

  • Affecting Songs cause some change to the hearers.
  • Manifesting Songs produce an effect that is symbolically manifested.
  • Enhancing Songs enhance another Song.
  • Immediate Songs last only for the Cycle they are used.
  • Ongoing Songs can be maintained Cycle after Cycle with the continuing use of Passion.
  • Boosting Songs provide some benefit to the Minstrel and his allies.
  • Resistible Songs primarily involve on a non-damaging effect that can be resisted.
  • Damaging Songs center around damage to either Endurance, Resolve, or Passion.
  • Self Songs are centered on the singer rather than external Targets.

(Rules for resolving Resistible, Damaging, and Boosting Songs are found in the Rules & Gameplay section.) 

Complexity is the amount of Control it takes to sing the Song. The Minstrel must have Control equal to or greater than the total combined Complexities of the Songs they desire to sing in a Cycle. 

Effect is a summation of what the Song accomplishes. This will be an abbreviated version with more information available in the Song’s description. 

The available Families of Songs can be found here:

Character Creation Notes:

When creating a Minstrel, you can select a number of Songs depending on how many Orders the Minstrel is mixed with. Further Songs are learned as the Minstrel increases in Rank. A pure Minstrel or a Dual-Order elohim that includes Minstrel may start out knowing the first Song in three different Families. A Tri-Order elohim including Minstrel may start with two Songs and a Quad-Order starts with only one.